Safari Reference Library Apple Developer

Overview of Developer Tools for Safari

There are developer tools built into Safari on the desktop (Mac OS X and Windows), Safari on iPhone OS, and in other WebKit-based applications. These tools can help you to prototype, debug, and optimize your website. This chapter gives a quick overview of how to enable and use these developer tools.

Developing Websites with the Developer Tools

The development process for websites can be accelerated by the Safari toolset at several points. The usual process of development is as follows:

Once you’ve enabled and familiarized yourself with the developer tools, you can use the Snippet Editor to streamline prototyping, the Error Console and Web Inspector for testing and debugging, and the Web Inspector’s timeline view and JavaScript profiler to help you optimize your website.

Differences Between Safari on the Desktop, Safari on iPhone OS, and WebKit

Safari on iPhone OS (iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch) contains a simple Debug Console that you can enable to help you debug websites and web applications directly from the mobile device.

The toolset for Safari on the desktop (Mac OS X or Windows) is far more extensive. It includes a Develop menu with several commands and a number of interactive tools.

The toolset for WebKit-based applications is essentially the same as for Safari on the desktop, but you enable the tools differently, and the Develop menu is a contextual menu.

Enabling Developer Tools in Safari on the Desktop

You enable the developer tools in Safari on the desktop (Mac OS X or Windows) by turning on the Develop menu. In Safari preferences, click Advanced, then select "Show Develop menu in menu bar," as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1  Safari preferences

Advanced tab of Safari preferences panel

Selecting this option adds a Develop menu to your menu bar (Figure 1-2). The Safari developer tools are now enabled.

The Develop Menu Command Summary

The Develop menu contains a set of tools to assist you in prototyping, debugging, and optimizing your website.

Figure 1-2  The Develop menu

The develop menu

Enabling Developer Tools in WebKit-Based Applications Other Than Safari

Applications make use of a .plist file, a set of key-value pairs in the preferences folder, that are used to configure the application. To enable the developer tools in a WebKit-based application other than Safari, set the WebKitDeveloperExtras key to the Boolean value True in the .plist file.

From the command console, type:

defaults write com.myApp WebKitDeveloperExtras bool true

replacing myApp with the bundle identifier of your application.

You must also enable contextual menus in your application. Once this is done, launch the application. The Develop menu can now be accessed by a control-click or right-click from within the application.

Enabling and Using Developer Tools in Safari on iPhone OS

You can enable a Debug Console in Safari on iPhone or iPod touch, which allows you to see HTML, CSS, and JavaScript errors directly on the iPhone or iPod touch. To enable the console, tap the Settings icon, then tap Safari and scroll down to the bottom of the screen, then tap Developer. From here you can turn the console on or off, as shown in Figure 1-3

Figure 1-3  Safari iPhone settings

Debug Console

Once the Debug Console is enabled, Safari records any errors it encounters when accessing a website. A Debug Console report appears at the top of all displayed webpages, as illustrated in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4  The Debug Console report

Error indicator

If there are no errors, the words “No Errors” are displayed. If any errors are encountered in the HTML, JavaScript, or CSS, the number of errors is displayed, followed by a right-pointing arrow. Tapping the carat brings up the Debug Console.

Figure 1-5  The Debug Console

Error display

A scrollable list of errors is displayed. You can choose to see all errors or limit the display to only the HTML, JavaScript, or CSS errors. The line number on which the error occurred is displayed, along with a brief description of the error.

If you choose to see JavaScript errors, you also see JavaScript log events. All output from the JavaScript functions console.log(),, console.warn(), and console.error() are logged to the Debug Console. By judiciously placing log entries into your JavaScript, you can trace the code path that executes on an iPhone or iPod touch.

Note: Currently, long log entries are truncated to fit the space available on the Debug Console. For best results when using the Debug Console to track JavaScript log events in Safari on iPhone or iPod touch, keep your log entries terse.

Last updated: 2010-06-21

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