iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

iPad User Experience Guidelines

Content and interactivity are paramount in the iPad user experience. The best iPad applications elevate content and interactivity by doing three things really well:

The primacy of content and interactivity inform the guidelines in this chapter. Keep this in mind as you design your iPad application.

Aim to Support All Orientations

Being able to run in all orientations is an important factor in the success of your iPad application. The large screen mitigates people’s desire to rotate the device to landscape to “see more.” And, because people don’t pay much attention to the minimal device frame or the location of the Home button, they don’t view the device as having a default orientation. This leads people to expect applications to run well in the device orientation they’re currently using. As much as possible, your application should encourage people to interact with iPad from any side by providing a great experience in all orientations.

The difference between landscape and portrait dimensions can significantly affect how your UI fits onscreen. Precisely how you respond to rotation might vary, but you should make every effort to abide by the following guidelines.

Maintain focus on the primary content. This is your highest priority. People use your application to view and interact with the content they care about. Altering the focus on that content in different orientations can make people feel that they’ve lost control over the application.

Consider changing how you display auxiliary information or functionality. Although you should make sure that the most important content is always in focus, you can respond to rotation by changing how you provide secondary content.

In Mail, for example, the lists of accounts and mailboxes comprise secondary content (the main content is the selected message). In landscape, secondary content is displayed in the left pane of a split view; in portrait, it’s displayed in a popover. Or, consider a game that displays a rectangular game board in landscape. In portrait, the game needs to redraw the board to fit well on the screen, which might result in additional space above or below the board. Instead of vertically stretching the game board to fit the space or leaving the space empty, the game could display supplemental information or objects in the additional space. Both of these examples maintain the user’s focus on the primary content and take best advantage of the current screen dimensions without altering the primary functionality of the application.

Avoid radical or gratuitous changes in layout. The large iPad screen allows you to provide a similar UI layout in all orientations. For example, if you display images in a grid while in landscape, you don’t need to display the same information in a list while in portrait (although you might adjust the dimensions of the grid). Focus on providing a consistent experience in all orientations, even if the layout of secondary information might change. A comparable experience in all orientations allows people to maintain their usage patterns when they rotate the device.

When possible, avoid reformatting information and rewrapping text on rotation. Strive to maintain a similar format in all orientations. Especially if people are reading text, it’s important to avoid causing them to lose their place when they rotate the device.

If some reformatting is unavoidable, use animation to help people track the changes. For example, if you must add or remove a column of text in different orientations, you might choose to hide the movement of columns and simply fade in the new arrangement. To help you design appropriate rotation behavior, think about how you’d expect your content to behave if you were physically interacting with it in the real world.

Avoid providing a UI element or defining a rotation gesture that rotates your content. Instead, people should be able to rotate your content by rotating the device.

Provide a unique launch image for each orientation. When each orientation has a unique launch image, people experience a smooth application start regardless of the current device orientation. In contrast with the Home screen on iPhone, the iPad Home screen supports all orientations, so people are likely to start your application in the same orientation in which they quit the previous application. See “Create a Launch Image for Each Orientation” for more information on iPad launch images.

Think twice before preventing your application from running in all orientations. People expect to use your application in whichever orientation they’re currently holding their iPad, and it’s best when you can fulfill that expectation. In certain cases, however, an application needs to run in portrait only or in landscape only. If it’s essential that your application run in only one orientation, you should:

If your application interprets changes in device orientation as user input, you can handle rotation in application-specific ways. For example, if your application is a game that allows people to move game pieces by rotating the device, you can’t respond to device rotation by rotating the screen. In a case like this, you should launch in either variant of your required orientation and allow people to switch between the variants until they start the main task of the application. Then, as soon as people begin the main task, you can begin responding to device movement in application-specific ways.

Enhance Interactivity (Don’t Just Add Features)

The best iPad applications give people innovative ways to interact with content while they perform a clearly defined, finite task. Resist the temptation to fill the large screen with features that are not directly related to the main task. In particular, you should not view the large iPad screen as an invitation to bring back all the functionality you pruned from your iPhone application.

To make your iPad application stand out, concentrate on ways to amplify the user experience, without diluting the main task with extraneous features. For example:

Flatten Your Information Hierarchy

Use the large iPad screen and new UI elements to give people access to more information in one place. Although you don’t want to pack too much information into one screen, you also want to prevent people from feeling that they must visit many different screens to find what they want.

In general, focus the main screen on the primary content and provide additional information or tools in an auxiliary view, such as a popover. This gives people easy access to the functionality they need, without requiring them to leave the context of the main task.

With the large iPad screen, and UI elements such as split view and popover, you have alternatives to the one-level-per-screen structure of many iPhone applications. For example, you can:

Use a navigation bar in the right pane of a split view to allow people to drill down into a top-level category that is persistently displayed in the left pane. This flattens your information hierarchy by at least one level, because two levels are always onscreen at the same time. Settings displays device and application settings in this way, as shown in Figure 3-1. (See “Split View” for usage guidelines.)

Figure 3-1  Settings uses a navigation bar in the right pane

Use a navigation bar in the left pane of a split view to allow people to drill down through a fairly shallow hierarchy. Then, display the most specific information (that is, the leaf nodes in the hierarchy) in the right pane. This, too, flattens your hierarchy by displaying two levels onscreen at one time. Mail in landscape uses this design to display the user’s mailbox hierarchy in the left pane, as shown in Figure 3-2; individual messages are displayed in the right pane, as shown in Figure 2-2. (See “Navigation Bar” for usage guidelines.)

Figure 3-2  Mail uses a navigation bar in the left pane

Use a popover to enable actions or provide tools that affect onscreen objects. A popover can display these actions and tools temporarily on top of the current screen, which means people don’t have to transition to another screen to get them. Mail in portrait uses a popover to display the user’s account and mailbox hierarchy, as shown in Figure 3-3. (See “Popover” for usage guidelines.)

Figure 3-3  Mail uses a popover to display account and mailbox information in portrait

Use a segmented control in a toolbar to display different perspectives on the content or different information categories. In this way, you can provide access to these perspectives or categories from a single bar at the top (or the bottom) of the screen. iTunes uses a segmented control in a top-edge toolbar to provide different perspectives on the content in a category, as shown in Figure 3-4. (See “Toolbar” and “Segmented Control” for usage guidelines.)

Figure 3-4  iTunes uses a segmented control to provide perspectives on the content

Use a tab bar to display different information categories or, less often, different application modes. In iPad applications, a tab bar is more likely to be used as a filter or category switcher than as a mode switcher. As shown in Figure 3-5, iTunes uses a tab bar to give people access to different categories of media. It’s worth changing your information architecture to avoid multiple, parallel modes, if this allows you to avoid using a tab bar to swap in different screens. (See “Tab Bar” for usage guidelines.)

Figure 3-5  iTunes uses a tab bar to provide categories of content

Reduce Full-Screen Transitions

Closely associate visual transitions with the content that’s changing. Instead of swapping in a whole new screen when some embedded information changes, try to update only the areas of the user interface that need it. As a general rule, prefer transitioning individual views and objects, not the screen. In most cases, flipping the entire screen is not recommended.

When you perform fewer full-screen transitions, your application has greater visual stability, which helps people keep track of where they are in their task. You can use UI elements such as split view and popover to lessen the need for full-screen transitions.

Enable Collaboration and Connectedness

People view iPad as a personal device, but its convenient size also encourages physical collaboration and sharing with others.

Think of ways people might want to use your application with others. Expand your thinking to include both the physical sharing of a single device and the virtual sharing of data. For example, two people might be able to play a game on opposing sides of an onscreen board. Or a band application might allow different people to play different instruments together on a single device.

People expect to be able to share information that’s important to them. When it makes sense in your application, make it easy for people to interact with others and share things like their location, opinions, and high scores.

Most applications can add value by allowing people to go beyond the application and share data with other tools they use. For example, an iPad application can act as a mobile complement to a computer application. Or, an iPad application might allow its users to communicate with the users of the iPhone version of the application.

Add Physicality and Heightened Realism

Whenever possible, add a realistic, physical dimension to your application. The more true to life your application looks and behaves, the easier it is for people to understand how it works and the more they enjoy using it. For example, people instantly know how to use the realistic address book that Contacts portrays (shown in Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6  Contacts depicts a realistic address book that behaves as people expect

As you work on adding realistic touches to your application, don’t feel that you must strive for scrupulous accuracy. Often, an amplified or enhanced portrayal of something can seem more real, and convey more meaning, than a faithful likeness. As you design objects and scenes, think of them as opportunities to communicate with your users and to express the essence of your application.

Use animation to further enhance realism in your application. In general, it’s more important to strive for accuracy in movement than in appearance. This is because people accept artistic license in appearance, but they can feel disoriented when they see movement that appears to defy physical laws. As much as possible, make sure your virtual views and controls mimic the behavior of the physical objects and controls they resemble. Convincing animation heightens people’s impression of your application as a tangible, physical realm in which they want to spend time.

Delight People with Stunning Graphics

The high-resolution iPad screen supports rich, beautiful, engaging graphics that draw people into an application and make the simplest task rewarding. iPad showcases your application’s artwork, so you should consider hiring a professional artist to create first-rate graphics that people will admire.

One way to increase the perceived value of your application is to replicate the look of high-quality or precious materials. For example, if the effect of wood, leather, or metal is appropriate in your application, take the time to make sure the material looks realistic and valuable. As shown in Figure 3-7, Notes reproduces the look of fine leather and meticulous stitching.

Figure 3-7  The appearance of realistic, high-quality materials enhances Notes

If your artwork is not already high resolution, you may need to recreate it. In most cases, scaling up your artwork is not recommended as a long-term solution. Instead, try creating your artwork in a dimension that is larger than you need, so you can add depth and details before scaling it down. This works especially well when the dimension of the original art file is a multiple of the dimension you need. Then, if you also use an appropriate grid size in your image-editing application, you’ll be able to keep the scaled-down art file crisp and reduce the amount of retouching and sharpening you need to do.

In addition to updating all your textures, effects, and images, make sure you remove from your code any hard-coded values that identify screen dimensions.

Update your existing launch images and create additional ones, if necessary (see “Create a Launch Image for Each Orientation”).

Create a large application icon (see “Create a Beautiful Application Icon”).

De-emphasize User Interface Controls

Help people focus on the content by designing your application UI as a subtle frame for the information they’re interested in. Downplay application controls by minimizing their number and prominence. Photos does this by placing a few unobtrusive controls on translucent bars.

Consider creating custom controls that subtly integrate with your application’s graphical style. In this way, controls are discoverable, without being conspicuous.

Also, consider fading controls after people have stopped interacting with them for a little while, and redisplaying them when people tap the screen. Sometimes you may want to fade the rest of your application UI, too. This gives even more of the screen space to the content people want to see. For example, Photos fades the controls and bars after a few moments of noninteraction, which encourages people to immerse themselves in the content.

Minimize Modality

When possible, minimize the number of times people must be in a modal environment to perform a task or supply a response. iPad applications should allow people to interact with them in nonlinear ways. Modality prevents this freedom by interrupting people’s workflow and forcing them to choose a particular path.

Modality is most appropriate when:

Rethink Your Lists

Lists (that is, table views) are a common way to efficiently display large amounts of information in iPhone applications. Lists are very useful in iPad applications, too, but you should take this opportunity to investigate whether you can present the same information in a richer way. For example:

Consider Multifinger Gestures

The large iPad screen provides great scope for custom multifinger gestures, including gestures made by more than one person. Although complex gestures are not appropriate for every application, they can enrich the experience in applications that people spend a lot of time in, such as games or content-creation environments. Always bear in mind that nonstandard gestures aren’t discoverable and should rarely, if ever, be the only way to perform an action.

Be sure the gestures you use make sense in the context of your application’s functionality and the expectations of your users. If, for example, your application enables an important task that users perform frequently and want to complete quickly, you should probably use only standard gestures. But if your application contains realistic controls that dictate a specific usage, or provides an environment that users expect to explore, custom or multifinger gestures can be appropriate. (For more information about the standard gestures, see “Support Gestures Appropriately” in iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.)

Consider Popovers for Some Modal Tasks

Popovers and modal views are similar, in the sense that people typically can’t interact with the main view while a popover or modal view is open. But a modal view is always modal, whereas a popover can be used in two different ways:

In addition, a popover always has an arrow that points to the control or area the user tapped to reveal it. This visual tie-in helps people remember their previous context. It also makes a modal popover seem like a more transient state than a modal view, which takes over the screen without indicating where it came from.

If you use modal views to enable self-contained tasks in your iPhone application, you might be able to use popovers instead. To help you decide when this might be appropriate, consider these questions:

There are a number of other uses for popovers, such as to provide auxiliary tools (for complete usage guidelines, see “Popover”). Also, be aware that iPad applications display action sheets inside popovers (for more information, see “Action Sheet”).

If you decide to use a modal view, be sure to read about the different presentation styles you can use (they’re described in “Modal View”). In your iPad application, you can choose the presentation style that’s best suited to the modal task you need to enable.

Restrict Complexity in Modal Tasks

People appreciate being able to accomplish a self-contained subtask in a modal view, because the context shift is clear and temporary. But if the subtask is too complex, people can lose sight of the main task they suspended when they entered the modal view. This risk increases when the modal view is full screen and when it includes multiple subordinate views or states.

Try to keep modal tasks fairly short and narrowly focused. You don’t want your users to experience a modal view as a mini application within your application. Be especially wary of creating a modal task that involves a hierarchy of modal views, because people can get lost and forget how to retrace their steps. If a modal task must contain subviews, be sure to give users a single, clear path through the hierarchy, and avoid circularities.

Always provide an obvious and safe way to exit a modal task. People should always be able to predict the fate of their work when they dismiss a modal view or popover.

If the task needs multiple modal views, make sure your users understand what happens if they tap a Done button on a view that’s below the top level. Examine the task to decide whether a Done button in a subview should finish only that subview’s part of the task or the entire task. When possible, avoid adding Done buttons to subviews, because of this potential for confusion.

Downplay File-Handling Operations

Although iPad applications can allow people to create and manipulate files, this does not mean that people should have a sense of the file system on iPad.

On iPad, there is no application analogous to the Mac OS X Finder, and people should not be asked to interact with files as they do on a computer. In particular, people should not be faced with anything that encourages them to think about file types or locations, such as:

Instead, a document-handling iPad application should encourage people to view their content as objects in the application.

If your iPad application allows people to create and edit documents, it’s appropriate to provide some sort of document picker that allows them to open an existing document or create a new one. Ideally, such a document picker:

Ask People to Save Only When Necessary

People should have confidence that their work is always preserved unless they explicitly cancel or delete it. If your application helps people create and edit documents, make sure they do not have to take an explicit save action. iPad applications should take responsibility for saving people’s input, both periodically and when they open a different document or quit the application.

If the main function of your application is not content creation, but you allow people to switch between viewing information and editing it, it can make sense to ask them to save their changes. In this scenario, it often works well to provide an Edit button in the view that displays the information. When people tap the Edit button, you can change it to a Save button and add a Cancel button. The transformation of the Edit button helps remind people that they’re in an editing mode, and the Cancel button gives them the opportunity to exit without saving their changes.

In general, save information that people enter in a popover (unless they cancel their work), because they might dismiss the popover without meaning to. For more guidelines specific to using popovers, see “Popover.”

Migrate Toolbar Content to the Top

If your iPhone application has a toolbar, consider moving it to the top of the screen instead of leaving it at the bottom. With the additional width of the iPad screen, you should be able to provide all of your toolbar functionality in a single toolbar at the top. This gives you more vertical space for your focused content.

For example, Mail on iPhone uses a toolbar to give people access to the refresh, organize, trash, reply, and compose actions while they view messages, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8  Mail on iPhone provides important functionality in a toolbar

Mail on iPad provides access to all but one of these actions in the toolbar above the message, as shown in Figure 3-9. The Refresh control is in the mailbox list, which is in a popover in portrait and in the left pane of the split view in landscape.

Figure 3-9  Mail on iPad moves functionality to the top of the screen

Start Instantly

iPad applications should start as quickly as possible so that people can begin using them without delay. When starting, iPad applications should:

Always Be Prepared to Stop

Like iPhone applications, iPad applications stop when people press the Home button to open another application. Therefore, to provide a good stopping experience, an iPad application should:

Create Custom Icons

Every application needs to supply a custom application icon, even if it doesn’t include any other custom artwork. You should also supply a small icon for display in Spotlight search results. Depending on your application, you might need to supply custom bar icons, a Settings icon, or an icon that represents a custom document type. Unlike other application artwork, all these custom icons need to meet specific criteria so that iOS can display them properly.

Note:  When possible, you should use the system-provided buttons and icons in navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars. If you need to design custom icons for use in these places, see ‚ÄúIcons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars‚Äù in iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.

Create a Beautiful Application Icon

In the App Store, your application icon introduces your application to potential customers. On their Home screens, your application icon is the first and last thing people see every time they use your application. It’s worthwhile to spend the time it takes to create an appealing icon that attracts people and makes a statement about your application.

Create a 72 x 72 pixel application icon. These dimensions give you a sizable area in which to tell a story about your application. One way to think about this is to imagine that you’re designing a poster for your application. Design a scene that introduces your characters or objects, gives a hint about interaction or storyline, and sets the tone for your application. Use these ideas to create a richly detailed icon that people will enjoy seeing on their Home screens.

As with iPhone application icons, iOS 3.2 automatically adds the following visual effects to your iPad application icon:

To ensure that your icon can take advantage of these visual enhancements, produce a 72 x 72 pixel image in PNG format that:

For example, Figure 3-10 shows a very simple application icon as it might be provided by an application:

Figure 3-10  A simple application icon before it is displayed on a Home screen

Figure 3-11 shows the same icon as iOS would display it on a Home screen:

Figure 3-11  A simple application icon displayed on a Home screen

Important: Be sure to create an image that completely fills the 72 x 72 pixel area. If your image boundaries are smaller, or you use transparency to create ‚Äúsee-through‚Äù areas within it, your icon will appear to float on a black background with rounded corners. Icons like this are strongly discouraged on iPhone, but they are especially undesirable on iPad because people can display custom pictures on their Home screens. An icon with a visible black background looks very unattractive on an iPad Home screen.

Create a 512 x 512 pixel version of your application icon for display in the App Store. Although it’s important that this version be instantly recognizable as your application icon, it should be subtly richer and more detailed. In other words, you should not simply scale up your application icon to create an icon for the App Store.

Create an Icon for Spotlight Search Results

Every application should supply an icon that iOS can display when the application name matches a term in a Spotlight search.

This icon should clearly identify your application so that people can easily recognize it in a list of search results. To do this, create a streamlined, attractive icon that:

Note: The final visual size of this icon is 48 x 48 pixels. iOS trims 1 pixel from each side of your artwork and adds a drop shadow. Be sure to take this into account as you design your icon.

Create a Settings Icon (if You Supply Settings)

If you supply settings, you should create a small icon that clearly identifies your application in the Settings application. To do this, create a streamlined, attractive icon that:

Provide a Custom Document Icon

If your iPad application creates documents of a custom type, you might want to create a custom icon that identifies this type to users. If you don’t provide a custom document icon, iOS creates one for you by default, using your enhanced application icon. Figure 3-12 shows how this might look, using the application icon shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-12  A default custom document icon displays the application icon

Optionally, you can provide custom artwork for iOS to use instead of your application icon.

Important: If you decide to create a custom document icon, be sure to follow the guidelines in this section. If your icon is too large, too small, or improperly padded, the resulting document icon will not look good.

Because people will see your document icon in different places, it’s best to design an image that's memorable and clearly associated with your application. Your custom artwork should be attractive, expressive, and detailed.

iOS uses two sizes of document icons: 64 x 64 pixels and 320 x 320 pixels. It’s a good idea to create both sizes so that your document icons look good in different contexts.

For both sizes, the overall dimensions include specific amounts of padding, leaving a smaller “safe zone” for your artwork. It’s essential to make sure your artwork fits well in these safe zones, or it may get cropped or scaled up.

Although your artwork can fill an entire safe zone, the upper right corner will always be partially obscured by the page curl effect that iOS adds. In addition, iOS adds a gradient that transitions from black (near the top, just below the page curl) to transparent (at the bottom edge).

To create a 64 x 64 pixel document icon:

  1. Create a 64 x 64 pixel image in PNG format.

  2. Add the following margins to create the safe zone:

    • 1 pixel on top

    • 4 pixels on bottom

    • 10 pixels on each side

    Your safe zone should look similar to the colored area shown below:

    image: ../Art/64_pix_safe.jpg
  3. Place your custom artwork within the 44 x 59 pixel safe zone. The artwork can be centered, offset, or it can fill the entire safe zone. (Remember that iOS adds the page curl to the upper right corner and a gradient that runs from the page curl to the bottom edge.)

For example, if you supply an icon that looks like the image on the left in Figure 3-13, iOS creates a document icon that looks like the image on the right.

Figure 3-13  A 64 x 64 pixel document icon, before and after processing

To create a 320 x 320 pixel document icon:

  1. Create a 320 x 320 pixel image in PNG format.

  2. Add the following margins to create the safe zone:

    • 5 pixels on top

    • 20 pixels on bottom

    • 50 pixels on each side

    Your safe zone should look similar to the colored area shown below:

    image: ../Art/320_pix_safe.jpg
  3. Place your custom artwork within the 220 x 295 pixel safe zone. The artwork can be centered, offset, or it can fill the entire safe zone. (Remember that the page curl will obscure some of the artwork in the upper right corner of the safe zone.)

For example, if you supply an icon that looks like the image on the left in Figure 3-14, iOS creates a document icon that looks like the image on the right.

Figure 3-14  A 320 x 320 pixel document icon, before and after processing

Create a Launch Image for Each Orientation

Because most iPad applications should be able to launch in any of the four orientations, you need to provide four unique launch images. As with iPhone applications, a launch image is a simple, stripped-down snapshot of your application’s initial UI. It should include only the constant, unvarying elements of the initial UI and avoid all text (because the launch image is not localized).

Each launch image should be in the PNG format and should match the size of the device screen in that orientation, minus the status bar: either 1004 x 768 pixels (for portrait) or 748 x 1024 pixels (for landscape). See “Providing Launch Images for Different Orientations” in iPad Programming Guide for more information about naming the launch image files and adding them to your application bundle. For some examples of how plain a launch image should be, see “Launch Images” in iPhone Human Interface Guidelines, which shows some iPhone application launch images.

Follow Established Principles

As you develop your iPad application, don’t lose sight of the guidelines in iPhone Human Interface Guidelines. Most of the information in that document also applies to iPad application design, so you should look there for principles and guidelines on tasks, interactions, and UI elements that are not described in this document.

Last updated: 2010-08-03

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