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Squash or be squashed. The Millennium Bug in End of the World News.

The Higher Source Suicides in Media Watch.

Read between the lines of the TWA Flight 800 news coverage in Media Watch.

The ridiculous cult of Skinheads in Fascism.

A show of hands, please: How many of you reading this have ANY IDEA of what Newt Gingrich REALLY got away with? In Dirty Work.

Peru's Shining Path guerilla movement is considered amongst the most violent terrorist groups of the 20th Century. What do they want? In Global Perspectives.

Got Milk? Get the skinny on Bovine Growth Hormone... What you don't know IS hurting you and guess what else? You're indirectly paying for it!... in Dirty Work

Now this guy knows how to take a political stand! The Adventures of Pieman in Dissent.

'Pleased to meet choo, hope you guessed my name' Anti-Christ emerges in End of the World News.

Explore the mind and work of Philip K. Dick in Revolutionaries.

And if you simply want to know what's going on, click HERE for the answers...

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