Propaganda - Media Watch
Media Watch

TWA Flight 800

While there is no doubt that the U.S. government is duplicitous enough to attempt to hide any involvement it might have in the TWA Flight 800 disaster, the REAL question is: Are they intelligent enough to pull it off??? Of this, I have *grave* doubts... There is strong evidence of the Navy's responsibility for the crash, made all the more credible by the government and media's efforts to portray Pierre Salinger (a once well respected member of the Kennedy Administration and ABC News Paris correspondent) as a raving lunatic. Now Salinger HAS acted like a bit of a buffoon and his 'proof' is a tad er... spurious AT BEST, but note how the media has seized Salinger's folly and run with it. Why? Because he found his 'proof' on the Internet... You know the Internet where crazy gun toting militia members ready to open fire on the local Dairy Queen post their crazy conspiracy theory rants... Heaven forbid that the public might get their information from a source other than the big 3 television networks, '60 Minutes,' or the New York Times. Read between the lines kiddies, read between the lines...

Blame it on the Net ****
"GREAT editorial from Salon's Scott Rosenberg: 'Sure, the Net allows kooks to post lies; it also teaches skepticism to anyone able to learn it. [Hear, hear! -Ed] Among those most in need of a remedial course, it seems, are many of the world's professional journalists.' Didja clock that, Leslie Stahl?????"

Paris Match -- TWA 800: A time for truth ****
"From the French News organization who first released copies of the actual radar tapes from JFK showing an unknown object (read: 'missile,' maybe?) approaching Flight 800 and disappearing at the same time. "

Time: The Tragedy of Flight 800 ****
"'Time's' special coverage of TWA Flight 800."

TWA 800 Crash -- Just the Facts ***
"And nuttin' but da facts..."

TWA 800 Case File -What happened to TWA Flight 800? ***
"'Providing an answer to that question has resulted in the most controversial accident investigation in American history. TWA 800 CASE FILES is intended to be a resource for individuals determined to continue examining the disaster, to reach conclusions supported by facts, and to interact in an intellectually challenging and open-minded environment."

The Pierre Salinger Fiasco ***
"One thing we do know with utter certainty... Pierre Salinger DID make an absolute ass-munch outta himself on November 8, 1996."

Did A Friendly Fire Missile Bring Down The 747? ***
"Disputes even the most recent government propaganda which attempted to explain away the radar evidence."

TWA 800 and Physics ***
"Wouldn't be the first time the government's claims are in blatant contradiction of the laws of physics, but they seem to think they are immune from all laws...."

Who'll Start the Rain? ***
"Unflattering portrait of Pierre Salinger from ultra conservative rag 'The American Spectator,' circa August of 1994."

Flight 800 Theory Message Board ***
"Check out what others have theorized about the downing of TWA Flight 800... And remember not to take it too seriously folks, 'cause ya can't trust everything you read on the WWW. It might've come from a *GASP* conspiracy theorist! Now do as you're told! "

Answering TWA Questions ***
"Jim McNeil questions FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom about TWA Flight 800."

The Families of TWA Flight 800 ***
"Page set up to assist family members of the victims."

Navy mission at TWA Flt 800 site nears end **
"The Navy won't even dirty their hands denying the 'friendly fire' allegations... They're too busy patting themselves on the back for their aid in cleaning up the wreckage."

TWA Flight 800 Crash **
"Many links to WWW info sources on TWA Flight 800."

CNN Online Flight 800 Coverage *
"Of all the major media outlets, only CNN seems to have given this story the time it deserves. Unfortunately, their opinions still seem to be the same as the rest of the corporate media."

FBI New York - Crash of TWA Flight 800 *
"The FBI's minimalist report on the crash. Don't look for any in depth content, they're not sharing."

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association Release on Flight 800
"Call me a 'conspiracy theorist' but I tend not to believe press releases which are dated several months earlier than the incident on which they are based."

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