Counter-Culture - End of the World News
End of the World News

The Millennium Bug

While we can only speculate when the 'Apocalypse' apocalypse will actually occur, we do know the exact time and date of the 'Computer Apocalypse' -- 12:00 a.m. January 1, 2000.

Year 2000 caused computer bugs could bring an unprecedented level of chaos into all of our lives -digital monkeyshines which will make the Great Depression seem like a bad hair day. How? Picture not receiving your paycheck because the computer system thinks the next payroll period is in 100 years. Imagine Social Security really getting the ax because it seems that not one of the recipients will be born for another 30 years. Why? Apparently, nobody who actually made the 'stuff' deep inside your computer actually expected their programs to still be in use today and that somebody else would eventually get around to addressing the problem. Almost ALL computer systems are date dependent. Most of the computer programs written before 1990 will not recognize that the year 2000 (1/1/00) comes after 1999 (12/31/99).

But fixing the Millennium Bug must be simple, right? A few lines of code here and there? WRONG! Conservative estimates indicate that correcting this problem will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Not only that, businesses that have not yet begun to make this conversion, are already WAY too late.

So what can the public do to minimize risks? Perhaps by liquidating assets which may be at risk from computer failure (stocks, mutual funds, etc.)? But if EVERYONE does THAT, the banking system might collapse.

Year 2000 computer problems might make your bank accounts inaccessible for months!

But look on the bright side, those of us wishing for an end to the monetary system as we know it may see our dreams become reality. Tee-hee...

Daily bLink: The Year 2000 Dilemma ****
"'Before you know it, the year 2000 will be hereand with it the computer apocalypse known as The Year 2000 Dilemma.'"

Year 2000 Information Center ****
"A business site, still a fantastic source for Year 2000 stuff."

Y2K Related Links ****
"Big list of Year 2000 related sites. All you'll ever need..."

NetFuture -- Year 2000 Apocalypse? ***
"'The IRS has been trying to update its computers for 30 years. Each time, the update has failed.' Betcha THEY'RE not prepared for the Year 2000.... Are you thinking what I'M thinking????"

Year 2000 Investor ***
"'Estimates are that the global cost to address this problem could be as high as $600,000,000,000. Yes, $600 billion.' At first I was thinking 'Serves the bastards right,' and then I realized that you and I will be paying for the goddamned fiasco!"

Houston Business Journal **
"'Those delinquent in addressing the 2000 date conversion issue also include the U.S. Departments of Energy, Labor and Transportation -- which all received a grade of 'F' on a recent report card handed out by a Congressional technology committee.'"

The Millennium Bug Will Bite You **
"Find out how to test your computer to see if it is year 2000 compliant."

CNET features - digital life - Net apocalypse! **
"'Midnight on January 1, 2000, is coming right on schedule--and along with it, one humongous lesson in how well the computer industry and individual users respond to an apocalypse we knew about well in advance.'"

y2kinvestor links **
"Links, links and more links about the Year 2000 computer meltdown."

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