Counter Intelligence - Dirty Work
Dirty Work

Got Milk

'The number one point about Bovine Growth Hormone is that there is no need for it, the farmers don't need it, the cows don't need it, and human health doesn't need it. The most persistent economic problem faced by the dairy industry today is overproduction. For the last ten years the dairy surplus has been over a quarter million tons of milk each year and the government uses a billion of our dollars every year to sop it up. In fact, the annual subsidy per American dairy cow exceed's the per capita income of half the world's population. According to the US Federal Office of Management and Budget the projected increase in milk production caused by rBGH introduction will cost American taxpayers an additional $116 million of dollars for further price supports in 1995 alone. And what about the cows? The drug company responsible for the marketing of this absurd drug under the trade name Posilac is Monsanto. In their words: Use of POSILAC has been associated with increases in cystic ovaries and disorders of the uterus...digestive disorders...enlarged hocks and lesions (lacerations, enlargements, calluses) of the knee... On March 1993 the Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee of the FDA unanimously agreed with the Monsanto conclusion that Cows injected with POSILAC are at an increased risk for clinical mastitis. By concluding that the drug was a manageable risk, the FDA contradicts its own veterinary guidelines which clearly state that over-the-counter drugs must have no observable adverse effects at five times the expected dose level and Monsanto can't even show a one-fold margin of safety. For the consumer, mastitis means pus clusters (described by Monsanto as increases in somatic cell counts above one million cells/ml) and most probably increased antibiotic residues in milk. ' From 'Bovine Growth Hormone -What You May Not Know' by Michael Greger Yuck! Why are they doing this???? Why are WE, the taxpayers being asked to indirectly PAY FOR IT?????? And WHO, you may ask is benefitting from this FINE example of corporate welfare? Go ahead... Gross yourself out...

Bovine Growth Hormone -What You May Not Know ****
"By the end of the first paragraph you'll be convinced... At the end of the second, sickened and outraged... By the end of the third, you'll probably puke... I may even switch to that crappy powdered stuff for my morning coffee... And so might you, once you've read this!"

Ben & Jerry's Thoughts on rBGH ****
"Er... um... this isn't product placement for B&J (although we WOULD GLADLY accept their sponsorship for DisInformation! Tee-hee...), but they DON'T use milk produced with rBGH and they would like to be able to print that on their packaging, but CAN'T... Most states won't let 'em!!!!!!"

More Damaging News for Monsanto's rBGH ****
"An outstanding report on several aspects of the rBGH contoversy by Andrew Christiansen, full of compelling anecdotal evidence from milk farmers that this stuff is BAD NEWS for your health, for taxpayers and ESPECIALLy for COWS!"

Dead Meat: Why Mad Cows Are the Least of It ****
"This SCARY article by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn points out several dangers inherent in use of rBGH and exposes other nasty aspects of the 'beef gulag.' WHOA! Veggie burger anyone?"

Got BGH? ****
"Informative page with lots of links about rBGH use and abuse and the dread Mad Cow Disease connection... Is there a link?"

Bovine Somatotropin ****
"EXCELLENT UK resource page for info on rBGH from the BIOSIS organization."

Watergate of the Meat Industry ****
"Convincing rebuttal to British government expert's offical statements on 'Mad Cow Disease.' Frightening..."

Fun Facts ****
"Culled from John Robbins' 'Diet for a New America' and other sources. EXTREMELY eye-opening."

BST in Vermont ***
"Asks the $60,000 question: 'Do you want your milk from highly efficient production units or from cows with names?'"

The Welfare Implications Of BST ***
"From BIOSIS, points out that cows are SUFFERING inhumane treatment from rBGH (also known as BST) use."

Mad Cows Put Me Off Meat for Life ***
"One man's journey into vegetarianism."

A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World... ***
"Argues that fear of 'Mad Cow Disease' is being used to manipulate the public... Yeah, maybe so, but notice this (supposedly Marxist) writer's obvious 'pro-meat' bias..."

IAO Agricultural Pages ***
"Mega source of info on 'Mad Cow Disease,' and how European countries responded to the crisis."

Mad Cow Disease -Much More Serious Than AIDS ***
"Nuthin' quite like dying in a pool of bloody diarrhea now is there?"

Mothers and Others Act NOW on rBGH **
"These mutha's are mad as hell... and they aren't gonna take it anymore! How YOU can stop the use of rBGH (Note: Weird design with a lot of dead space, so scroll down or you'll miss stuff)."

Posilac� by Provita
"Here's what the manufacturer has to say about rBGH, for objectivity's sake..."

The Monsanto Pledge
"Brought a tear to ma' eye..."

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