
Best Ideas

  1. Pay tax on your price for your land
  2. Allocating taxes to fund research prizes
  3. Tax rebates for truthfulness

Social Inventions

  1. A tax evaders' amnesty
  2. Tick boxes to select where your taxes go
  3. Energy tax to help the miners

Book of Visions

  1. No local tax without a say in the allocation
  2. Acknowledging public benefactors
  3. Returning taxes to the neighbourhood
  4. Unitax
  5. Global strategy on resource taxes
  6. Pollution charges
  7. A tax on transport pollution
  8. Tax perks for the company minibus
  9. A voluntary Green Tax
  10. Transitional Basic Income scheme with an optional 'workfare' element
  11. A labour tax
  12. รบ50 less tax per new worker
  13. How best to redistribute wealth between regions

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