Tax perks for the company minibus

Margaret Buckley

Taxation should discriminate in favour of the company minibus (up to 25 seats) rather than the company car. Employees agreeing to take part should be given some financial inducement. Computerised routes and pick-up points would be linked in some cases to 'Park and Ride' schemes.

'Taxation should discriminate in favour of the company minibus (up to 25 seats) rather than the company car'

Members of all grades and departments would mingle, and the working ride might partly replace the working lunch.

Employees might get a taste for being relieved of the driving in and out, to and from work, and discover that they had more energy for their tasks.

Margaret Buckley, Old School House, Vicarage Road, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury SY3 9EZ (tel 0743 352076).

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