No local tax without a say in the allocation

Nicholas Albery

One way for people to become more involved in developing their neighbourhoods would be if allocation of at least a proportion of local tax money (for non-basic services?) could be decided not by the council but by each resident. An occasional newsletter would list which projects needed money and how much they needed - community centre, playground and so on - and your tax money would be earmarked according to your order of preferences - if these were over-subscribed (or if you did not bother to select your preferences), the money would go towards the councillors' own preferences amongst under-subscribed projects.

'Your tax money would be earmarked according to your order of preferences'

Citizens would also be allowed to put projects needing money into the poll tax newsletter, if supported by the signatures of a certain number of local residents.

The main underlying principle would be: no taxation without a say in the allocation.

Nicholas Albery, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 081 208 2853; fax 081 452 6434).

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