A voluntary Green Tax

An item monitored for the Institute by Gregory Wright.

The Green Tax is a completely voluntary donation that you collect from your customers to help offset the environmental costs of doing business. Simply collect the voluntary tax (a suggested 9% of sale) and, twice a year, give one half to local environmental restoration projects (tree planting, gardens, parks, river clean-ups, etc) and one half to environmental activist projects (opposing clear cutting, discouraging pollution, changing production processes, supporting alternative energy use, etc). One mail-order book business (Books to Build a New Society) have collected and distributed over $5,000 from their customers in this way.

- The Green Tax, Fingerlakes Green Fund, PO Box 6578, Ithaca, NY 14851, USA.
- Books to Build a New Society, New Society Publishers, 4527 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA (tel 215 382 6543).

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