
Best Ideas

  1. Monks using MDMA as an aid to meditation
  2. Evaluating the danger of cults
  3. Danger signs in cults
  4. A short guide to comparative philosophy
  5. A new physics of the spiritual realm needed
  6. H. G. Wells and the urge for transcendence
  7. A labyrinth in every hospital, school and park

Social Inventions

  1. Detective stories and the problem of evil
  2. The meaning of 'Namaste'
  3. To have or not to have a guru?
  4. Guru ratings entail 'me ratings'
  5. Open criticism in church services
  6. Native American religion banned
  7. 'Gurdjieff' on drugs

Book of Visions

  1. Aspects of a Wisdom Culture
  2. God's Eco-Laws
  3. How to rate a guru?
  4. Gurus hot & cold, structured & unstructured
  5. Celebration of Life Group
  6. The Constant Instant
  7. Converting church galleries
  8. Green Spirituality: suggestions for groups

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