Aspects of a Wisdom Culture

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber in 'Up From Eden' (Routledge and Kegan Paul 1983) lists the following possible aspects of a future Wisdom Culture - quoted by Richard Slaughter in 'Future Vision in the Nuclear Age' (Futures journal).

- Vivid understanding of common humanity and brother/sisterhood;
- Move beyond roles based on physical differences of skin colour and sex;
- Growth of mental/psychic clarity;
- Balanced use of rationality and intuition;
- Consciousness recognised in each soul and throughout creation;

'Higher motivations alter economic incentives and theory; education becomes a discipline in transcendence, body to mind to soul'

- Higher motivations alter economic incentives and theory;
- Methods and institutions to cure emotional disease and foster growth of consciousness;
- Education becomes a discipline in transcendence, body to mind to soul;
- Technology as an aid to transcendence, not a substitute

for it;

- Electronic media as vehicles of bonding consciousness and unity;
- Outer space as a projection of inner psychic space;
- Appropriate technology to free material exchanges from chronic oppression;
- Cultural/national differences set against background of universal consciousness;
- All people as ultimately one in spirit, and incentives to actualise this;
- Transcendent unity of all religions;
- To govern, politicians demonstrate understanding and mastery of body/mind/soul/spirit.

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