God's Eco-Laws

Ulf Christiensen

Extracted from articles in 'Vision Seeker and Sharer' Nos 5 & 6, published by Rainbow Publications, 15 St Julitta, Bodmin, Cornwall PL30 5ED (L1-10, subs L4-40).

God's Eco-Laws are plain and simple and can be read straight out of nature. American Indian and Pacific Island Pantheists, Samoyeds and Eskimos point to nature as their supreme bible. Shameless sinners, billions of us, have broken the fundamental aims and laws of the Great Plan such as:

(1) The rule (aim/law) of increasing balance and justice;

(2) of increasing harmony and beauty;

(3) of increasing diversity and individuality;

(4) of ever-evolving biology and health;

(5) of increasing self-control, knowledge and wisdom;

'The law of increasing diversity and individuality and ever more differentiated decentralisation'

(6) of ever more differentiated decentralisation;

(7) the principles of evolution rather than revolution.

I have prayed for a respite from the effects of global aggression so that social innovators and sensible problem solvers can have an opportunity. Once I listed thousands of outstanding problem-solvers and world citizens. These indivi-duals are 'saved' in the sense that they perceive much more of the ultimate reality behind the stage-like reality most people see. They are nearer to God. To evolve from the human-made eco-catastrophes, half-hells and spiritual shambles we have caused in defiance of God, we have now to recreate that part of God's creation that our techno-civilisation has so recklessly despoiled. This evolutionary task could fill life with meaning for hundreds of generations to follow. For God's sake, our human and material resources, our energies and business profits must be invested in Nature-restoration schemes, re-

cycling schemes (turning waste into our biggest resource), health schemes in the widest sense and beauty-restoration (every eyesore is a pain for ever).

We have the innovations and technologies available to raise our daily ethics to the level of our religions. Britain, for example, is not just a fourth-rate nation, full of industrial debris and depressing inner-city slums. It is also the finest cultural oasis in the world.

It is within human power to create a world of shining beauty and transcendent glory.

Ulf Bygdinn Christiensen, Bygdinn House, Byjdoy Alle 26, 0265 Oslo 2, Norway (tel 02 43 02 99). 'One of my many social innovations is for computerised bartering between locally stocked warehouses owned by, and run for, human-sized communities. There are four times too many people on earth and we need to re-establish nature's most lavish production system, permaculture, with its principle of complete recycling. Britain with its BBC can help stimulate global enthusiasm for tackling such concerns.'

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