New Civilization

Last update: 28 March 1996

The game of the new civilization is about creating a new civilization that works better. A civilization where people can be free to make their own choices, where few power hungry men no longer control society, where cooperation and harmony replaces suppression and war, where self-sufficiency and independence replaces fragile, centralized monopolies. A civilization where people know and look for themselves, rather than accepting the fear and ignorance they are being fed. A civilization where everybody can get access to abundant resources, rather than being kept in perpetual scarcity and survival mode.

That sounds very big, of course. And maybe overly idealistic. However, it starts with simple day-to-day, grass-roots activity. All you really need to do is to make choices in your daily life and to network with other people who increase your ability to choose and who have other pieces of the puzzle than you might hold.

For one person it is probably overwhelming to try to change society. It seems so big and complicated and impossible to understand, so it seems easier to just go with the system and do what you are expected to do, and just live within the little cubicle of space that has been alloted to you. But there are billions of people here who would like society to work and who have mainly good and constructive intentions. There really are very few people who want anything else.

One way of being able to contribute to a new cilization is to divide up the job, to break it down, and to concentrate on a part of it that you are most interested in, and then to network with others who do other parts. The text New Civilization Game by my friend, the late Bill Robertson, suggests an organizational plan dividing the necessary elements of a civilization into logical sub-divisions. Something like that might make it easier to face the job.

Simply by looking for and connecting up with free alternatives in the different areas of civilization you are thereby creating a NEW Civilization. Instead of choosing the old, limiting, centrally controlled, complex and confusing way, you choose a free, self-controlled alternative that gives you more choice and enjoyment.

It doesn't take a revolution to change the world. All you need to do is to feed energy to the way you want things to be, and not to the way you don't want things to be. In thought and action, put your energy, money, speech and work where they will serve the best purpose. It doesn't take a big fight or struggle, it just takes the day-to-day action of choosing the New Civilization over the Old Civilization.

Remember: there is no rule that says you have to play by the existing rules.

All this is not necessarily a hard, serious effort. It might just as well be fun and enjoyable.

New Civilization Resources


New Civilizations
Alternatives in General
Idea Gathering
Complex Systems

By Category

Business, Trade
Education, Schools
Food Production
Housing, Building
Information, Libraries, Publishing
Kids, Parenting
Personal Development
Political Activity
Privacy, Security
Professional Associations

New Civilizations

New Civilization Network
New Civilization Game - by Bill Robertson.
Beyond Imagination - (10+) foundations for creating a new world.
Planetary Breakthrough - by C.B.Willis.
Infinite Games - A vision of life as play and possibility.
The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World - by Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic.

Alternatives in General

Sumeria - Many alternative links.
New Heaven New Earth - organizations, ideas giving birth to a new way of life on the planet.
NCN Creativity Group
Institute for Social Inventions - 1000 Pounds for your best ideas.
Whole Earth Review magazine.


alt.society.futures newsgroup
alt.society.paradigms newsgroup
National Civic League - grassroots stories of change.
Center for Utopian/Dystopian Studies - (10+) Resources on utopian themes.
World Future Society
Libertarian Futurist Society
Institute of Future Technology

Idea Gathering Organizations

Institute for Social Inventions - 1000 Pounds for your best idea.
Global Ideas Bank - an encyclopedia of social innovations. Hundreds of ideas.
Intellectual Network - Creative thinking, idea bank.
NCN Creativity Group

Complex Systems

Whole Systems home page
The World Game Institute
The Networking Institute
Whole Systems Design Institute
Cybernetics and Systems Theory
General Semantics
Complex Systems
Memetics - understanding the spreading of useful ideas.
Game Theory - experimental economics


Music, Creativity and Positive Change
Synergy - OTIS Art Collaboration Projects.
The Infinite Grid.
Musical Web Connections - practically every WWW link available for music lovers. - Guide to anything fun-related on the Net.
Art-related sites
Poems - by Robert Longley.
System Zero - Art and Consciousness.
Gerardus Tros - spiritual poetry.

Business, Trade

SRB Forum - Socially Responsible Business and Investing.
Free Resources - by Flemming Funch
Global Business Network
Competitive Enterprise Institute - mailing list about free markets and co-op ventures.


New Civilization Network - cooperative networking of teams.
The Progressive Directory - PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet.
Speakeasy - electronic cafe in Seattle.
Fringeware - mailing list about cyberculture.
WebChat - chat by HTML forms.
The Sociable Web - Web based chat service with graphical front-end.
World Wide Commercial Telepathy Mind Networks - (10+) Applications of telepathy.
Telepathy Seminar - by Bill Robertson.
AeroAstro Corp - buy your own satelite for only $100,000.
AirNote - alphanumeric pagers with Internet addresses.
NetPhone - talk over the Internet, for Mac.
Apple's NII Proposal - free wireless broadband networking for all.
Institute for Mass Communications - communication amongst grass roots and community activists.


Cooperative Communities home page
World Government of World Citizens
Auroville - (10+) an international experimental township.
The Dancing Rabbit Project
Permaculture project
Arcosanti - (10+) arcology project. Paolo Soleri.
Design Earth Synergy - (20+) Sustainable Communities Vision Center.
The Farm - cooperative community.
Nexus - an intentional community in cyberspace.
New Civilization Encino - Model One.
Oceania - a floating country.
The Venus Project (20+) The redesign of a culture. More here
XVille - Doctress Neutopia's experimental community.
Magic - (10) an ecological community
Ananda - spiritual community in Nevada City.
Federation of Damanhur - (10+) community in Italy.


Cyberspace: The New Frontier
Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension - Topics like Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, Shamanism, John Lilly, Psychological Heresy, Political Corrections, Omega Point, Philosophy, Thought Crime, an entheogenic Garden, Hyperspace and more
Electronic Freedom Interest Groups
Infonaut - This site is devoted to current culture and technology, the Cyberpunk movement, and freedom of information.,infonautics.
Internationale Stadt, Berlin - The "Internationale Stadt" is a combination of a local community network and a virtual community.
Internet Cafes
Net-Tribes - Cyberculture on the web... - A growing list of cyberculture topics covering virtual reality, cyberpunk, virtual communaities, e-zines, and multimedia
NEXUS - NEXUS is a project initiated on the FutureCulture mailinglist that involves creating cooperatives for the supply of access to the net. These cooperatives would ideally function as communities or collectives of people who want to use the net as a means of making a living and enhancing their lives.
Project McLuhan - Marshall McLuhan, the interface between culture and technology in the 90s. "The medium is the message".
Who rules cyberspace? - zon-power, objectivism.
Howard Rheingold's resources for virtual communities - (50)
The Island Group - inspired by the psychedelic novel "Island" by Aldous Huxley.


Natural Death Centre - green and do-it-yourself burials.
The Natural Death Handbook (10) More natural and gentle approaches to dying.
Before and After - (45) The best new ideas for improving the quality of dying and for inexpensive, green, family-organised funerals.


PlanetKeepers - for the health and well-being of planet Earth.
Environment and Nature - lots of links.
ECO Net - Ecology.
EnviroWeb - Environment.
Friends of the Earth - U.K.
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Earth Pledge Foundation - (20+) promoting sustainable development.
The Sierra Club - environmental.
MksdK Gaia - Earth systems, biosphere, sustainable humanity.
Resource Ethics - principles for dealing with resources.
Yahoo Ecology listing
Arcosanti - (10+) architecture integrated with ecology.
Cosmic Ray Deflection Society
Project NatureConnect - ecopsychology.


Monetary System for the New Millenium - by Roger Langrick.
LETS Systems Home Page - local money systems.
DigiCash - (6) electronic money over the Internet Free client software.
NCN Alternative Money System Team
Proactive Money - by Flemming Funch
Free Resources - by Flemming Funch
Sovereignty - how to partially get out of the money system.
Global Resource Bank - proposal to U.N. conference.
Ithaca Hours local currencies, by Paul Glover.
Bringing the Economy Home - book on bartering.
Game Theory - economics of bartering.

Education, Schools

The Creativity Cafe - (20) a new school for the next millenium.
The 7-Lesson Schoolteacher - by John Taylor Gatto. A satirical look at the failure of the educational system.
New Generation Education Project - and various essays on knowledge by Onar Am.
Interpersonal Computing and Technology - mailing list about the use of technology to enhance eductation.
Alec Colovos - (10+) Innovative teaching methods.
Internet VR - large listing of MOO sites (Multi-user Object-Oriented environments), some of which are educational experiments.
The CoVis Project - Collaborative learning venture, focused on science education.
On the Horizon - Future of education.
Memetics - understanding the spreading of useful ideas.
School of Wisdom - the knowledge behind the knowledge.

Energy Production and Distribution

Alternative Energy
Global Energy Network - a plan for linking together all the electrical networks on the planet.
GENI - Global Energy Network home page.
Shared Energy Grid? - a thread of messages.
Another free energy cover-up - The Dennis Lee story, by Alison David.
Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy Engineering - Making Electricity from Solar, Wind & Water
Biofuels Information Network - National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
CREST's Guide to Alternative Energy
Energy and the Environment
Energy Efficient Housing in Canada
Renewable Energy Educational Kiosk
Solar Energy
THERMIE - European Commission, DG XVII for Energy
Energy - Virtual Library
Institute for Solar Living (3)
Yahoo Usenet listing
EMR protection diodes

The magazine "Home Power" covers home-made power systems, mostly solar, off-the-grid living, and more. $15 per year 2nd class US subscription. Home Power Magazine, POB 520, Ashland, OR 97520, (916)475-0830.

Engineering & Science

Centre for Alternative Technology - (5+)
KeelyNet - Alternative science
Science - alternative and otherwise, from Sno-Space.
Light Technologies - free energy, etc.
Future Tech - mailing list about possible future technologies.
Summum - (15+) Beyond the boundaries of science

Magazine: Midnight Engineering, 1700 Washington Ave, Rocky Ford, CO 81067, 719/254-4558. $24/year/6 issues.

Food Production / Farming

Noah's Ark - organic farming.
Hydroponic Society of America
Hydroculture Guy Dionne
Global Hydroponics
Agricultural related mailing lists

Health Care

Alternative Medicine Home Page
Homeopathy Home Page
Chiropractic Home Page
Alternative Healing Methods
Herbs and Healing
Aesclepian Chronicles - synergistic medicine journal.
NY Open Center - (20+) holistic learning, health, consciousness.
Alternative Medicine mailing list.
Quantum Medicine
Worldwide Wellness
NetLife Health Products - mailorder, plus other health links.
International Society for the Enhancement of Eyesight (40+)

Housing, Building

Yellow Mountain Institute for Sustainable Living - offers an introduction to low-cost, sustainable building techniques, such as rammed-earth tire, straw-bale, and cordwood construction, and to a variety of alternative energy systems.
The Venus Project
Buckminster Fuller.
EarthShips - houses built of old tires and dirt.
bit.listserv.geodesic - Fuller newsgroup.

Information, Libraries, Publishing

ISWorld Net - (50+) information technology, information infrastructure.
World Knowledge Network
Books on-line
The Gutenberg Project - more books on-line.
SPUNK Press collects alternative publications on-line.
The Econony of Ideas by John Perry Barlow, on intellectual property.
Loompanics Unlimited catalog weird and unusual books. E-mail:
National Public Radio - live.

Kids, Parenting

Family World - parenting.
Parent's Place - parenting resources.


Nolo Press' Self-Help Law Center
Sovereignty - state citizenship, common law.

Personal Development

Transformational Processing
DreamMosaic - group dreaming.
Mind Matters - book by Allen Hacker, Acceptance Services.
Myers-Briggs personality test - online scoring.
Horoscope - online astrological charts.
Astrology home page
Avatar - personal development system.
Spirit WWW - New age, aliens, alternative health, etc. U.S. site
Spirit WWW - Australian site.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Mind-L - mailing list about mind altering technologies.
talk.religion.newage - newsgroup.
alt.consciousness - newsgroup.

Political Activity

Green Parties
Political connections and info
Libertarians at MIT
libernet - libertarian mailing list.
EPIC Alert - mailing list about electronic privacy issues requiring political action.
Society and Culture links from Yahoo.
Politics links from Yahoo.

Privacy, Security

Privacy Resources
Private Investigation - Michael Enlow, privacy, surveillance.
Social Security Number FAQ - how to protect yourself against misuse.
Sovereignty - in the U.S. you can legally cancel you contract with the government and leave the system.
Cypherpunks at Berkeley pgp and more
Cypherpunks mailing list.
Electronic Privacy Information Center mailing list.
PGP encryption information
A Basic Citizen's Electronic Freedom Guide

Professional Associations

Global Entrepeneurs Network - virtual community for entrepeneurs.
Non-Profit Organizations
Computer Professonals for Social Responsibility
Skills Bank - mailing list for exchanging available skills.


The Safer Sex Page
Society for Human Sexuality - devoted to acceptance and understanding of all sexual orientations and all consensual and safe sexual practices.
Prostitutes' Education Network - (15+) rights for sex workers.
Glass Wings: Sensual Celebrations
Gender and Sexuality - This workspace provides a space for discussions about sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices.
Healthy Sexuality
Polyamory - non-monogamous relationships.
Breaking the Barriers to Desire - new approaches to multiple relationships.
Sex, Censorship, and the Internet
Alternative Sexuality Resource List
Sex Sources on the Net
Gay-Lesbian Youth Advisor
World Sex Guide - (500+) Prostitution FAQ.


Intelligent Transportation Systems
ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Online
Personal Rapid Transit - Automated People Movers.
New electrical car design - by Daryl Hansen.
You can get back issues of "Alternative Transportation News" from: Home Power, POB 275, Ashland, OR 97520, (916)-475-0830.


EarthWise Journeys - (30+) an independent travel resource with emphasis on environmental, cultural, and spiritual journeys.

Go back to the World Transformation home page which is the top page at this site. It contains many areas and links dealing with spiritual, economic, ecological or sociological transformation of our world.

Other sites with somewhat similar indexes

Millennium Matters - Vision of Sanctuary
Findhorn Foundation
One Earth Gallery (50+) cultivating respect and responsibility towards ourselves, each other and our natural world.

These links have been selected by Flemming Funch <>. That does not necessarily mean that he endorses everything you'll find behind them.

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