The Natural Death Handbook - on the 'Net

'Demonstrates ... that there are kinder alternatives'
The Times


A manual for improving the quality of living and dying including:

Edited by Nicholas Albery, Gil Elliot and Joseph Elliot of the Natural Death Centre
Converted to HTML by Merlyn Albery

'What could be more healthy than bringing society's last taboo out of the closet?'

All of us will have to cope with death and dying - our own, our parents', a friend's, or even, tragically, a child's. Yet it is the last taboo - rarely prepared for, usually ignored and mostly happening out of sight in hospitals and old people's homes.

THE NATURAL DEATH CENTRE, the educational charity which edited this handbook, believes that all of us should, and can, prepare for our own deaths and those of our friends and loved ones, and that this intense personal experience should as far as possible be under our own control, not that of medical professionals or big institutions.

This handbook shows how to deal with and take back some family control over the process of death and dying. It includes deeply moving personal accounts of brave and 'conscious' deaths, practical advice on how to care for someone dying at home, a legal alternative to active euthanasia for the terminally ill, and advice on coming to terms with bereavement.

There is a 'Good Funeral Guide' to the best undertakers, crematoria and cemeteries; advice on how to organise a funeral without an undertaker; and an example of how to write a 'Living Will' that limits the amount of 'high tech' intervention to which you or your relatives can be subjected in a hospital.

>From the spiritual and the mystical to the practical and the administrative, THE NATURAL DEATH HANDBOOK is an extraordinary and important book. At its heart is the belief that dignified dying at home - followed by a family designed funeral - can become usual rather that exceptional, and that death and dying need not be the acute trauma which they are for so many.

Other press comments on the Natural Death Centre:

'Demonstrates to people dissatisfied with conveyor-belt funerals that there are kinder alternatives'

'A novel and environmentally friendly approach to death'

'Investigating Natural Death is a cheering experience and I would recommend it to anyone facing bereavement'

ISBN 0-948826-37-1

This edition published in book form and online by The Institute for Social Inventions for The Natural Death Centre, both at:
20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA

Tel.: (UK) [Int. 44] (0)181 208 2853; Fax: (UK) [Int. 44] (0)181 452 6434
Copyright The Natural Death Centre 1995. No part may be reproduced or republished without permission. Email:
Nicholas Albery

The Natural Death Handbook (in Pounds Sterling)
UK by cheque £10.95 UK by credit card £11.41
Rest of the world by credit card £13.49 Rest of the world airmail by credit card £14.49

Converted to HTML by Merlyn Albery