Recommended Mailing Lists

There is a comprehensive FAQ on Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists.

There is a list of about 6000 mailing lists maintained by Dartmouth College

And if that is not enough, there is Info-Magnet that supposedly has ALL mailing lists.

Last update: 21 April 95

Lists included here


New Paradigms Project / albionic research Ruling class / global conspiracy theories

E-mail James Daugherty ( to subscribe

James Daugherty, volunteer Postmaster for A-albionic Research, a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological spectrum. Quarterly journal, book sales, rare/out-of-print searches, and custom research since 1984. Introductory information and free articles and catalogs are located in the New Paradigms section of the Msen Market Place (Gopher) and Msen ftp site. (/pub/vendor/a-albionic)

For those without Gopher or ftp Service or to be added to our Weekly Up-date List: e-mail, fax 1-313-885-1181, or A-A Research, POB 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220 (Snail mail info pack on request).


Contact: (Robin Hanson)

Purpose: You are invited to joint "AltInst", a new email list on Alternative Institutions. AltInst is solely for proposing and critiquing alternative institutions for various walks of life. Alternative ways to run conversations, countries, households, markets, offices, romances, schools, etc. are all fair game.

AltInst is open to folks from any political persuasion, but general political flaming/discussion is forbidden. Skip the theory and just tell us your vision of how something could be different, and how that would work. Many of us are truly excited to hear about creative well-considered suggestions, no matter what the source, but quickly bored by both ideological is-too-is-not flaming, and partisan rah-rahs for anything "politically correct" in some camp.


A forum for the discussion of research in alternative medicine.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: subscribe altmed-res YourAddress

This list was created to promote discussion and collaboration in the emerging field of alternative medicine research. The term "alternative" is used for the sake of convenience. Many of the therapies currently under study such as biofeedback, hypnosis, and guided imagery, have already accumulated a substantial body of research. Others such as ayurvedic, chinese medicine, and massage, are traditional therapies that have been used for centuries in many parts of the world. In the US, approximately one third of Americans use therapies such relaxation techniques, chiropractic, and massage, often in conjunction with conventional medical treatment. Research is currently underway to investigate the safety, efficacy, and validity of these therapies.

Participation is invited from academically trained researchers, alternative practitioners, and health care consumers who wish to share research findings, clinical case notes or studies, and philosophical views regarding:

List owner: (Martha Brown Menard)


Purpose: Announcement of California libertarian meetings, events, activities, etc. See also ba-liberty for separate local San Francisco Bay Area libertarian announcements.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: subscribe ca-liberty

List owner:


Purpose: To discuss and share experiences related to those in Carlos Castaneda's books. To subscribe to the mailing list please send a brief message to the contact address. There is also an archive of the list and some related materials (including an extensive bibliography) available via anonymous ftp to in pub/archive/cc.

Contact: (Tony Sanders)


Purpose: The CEI mailing list, created by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, distributes CEI op-ed pieces and other materials. Founded in 1984, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is committed to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. The Institute is founded on the belief that free markets and individual liberty best serve the public interest by providing freedom of choice and equal opportunity.

Contact: (Alexander "Sasha" Volokh)


Conspiracy Nation mailing list.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: subscribe conspire My Name

List owner: (Brian Francis Redman)


Purpose: Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby patients who can no longer be kept alive with today's medical abilities are preserved at low temperatures for treatment in the future. This list is a forum for topics related to cryonics, which include biochemistry of memory, low temperature biology, legal status of cryonics and cryonically suspended people, nanotechnology and cell repair machines, philosophy of identity, mass media coverage of cryonics, new research and publications, conferences, and local cryonics group meetings.

Contact: (Kevin Q. Brown)

Cybernetics and Communication

The CYBCOM list provides a trans-disciplinary forum for the participants to discuss various issues that are related to the field of cybernetics. Topics such as systems thinking, social and organizational learning, self-organization and evolution, communication and coginition, constructivist epistemology, and other frontier research questions under the flag of cybernetics will be discussed.

To subscribe, write to: LISTSERV@GWUVM.GWU.EDU

with the message: SUB CYBCOM your-full-name

List owner: (Dr. Jixuan Hu)


Cybernetics and systems theory

This list is intended to serve all those working in or just interested in the fields of Systems Science, Cybernetics, and related fields (e.g. General Systems Theory, Complex Systems Theory, Dynamic Systems Theory, Computer Modeling and Simulation, Control Theory, Operations Research, Network Theory, Self-Organizing Systems Theory, Information Theory, Fuzzy Set Theory).

The list is moderated by members of the Systems Science department of the Watson School at SUNY-Binghamton, and is affiliated with the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC).

To subscribe, write to: listserv@bingvmb.bitnet

with the message: subscribe cybsys-l

List owner: Cliff Joslyn,


The cypherpunks list is a forum for discussing personal defenses for privacy in the digital domain. It is a high volume mailing list. There is no digest version available.

For subscription info, contact

List manager: Eric Hughes

There is an announcements list which is moderated and has low volume. Announcements for physical cypherpunks meetings, new software and important developments will be posted there. Mail to

if you want to be added to or removed from the announce list.

All announcements also go out to the full cypherpunks list, so there is no need to subscribe to both.


DESIGN-L@PSUVM is a listserver list related to basic design and applied design. This list concerns both art and architecture. It also concerns general information related to design, s.a., conferences and other design events. It forwards information from many telecommunication sources to the list. At times, discussions are encouraged.

To subscribe, write to: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU

List owner: DESIGN-L-Request@PSUVM.PSU.EDU

EPIC Alert

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) list

The Electronic Privacy Information Center is a public interest research center in Washington, DC. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging privacy issues relating to the National Information Infrastructure, such as the Clipper Chip, the Digital Telephony proposal, medical record privacy, and the sale of consumer data. EPIC is sponsored by the Fund for Constitutional Government and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. EPIC publishes the EPIC Alert and EPIC Reports, pursues Freedom of Information Act litigation, and conducts policy research on emerging privacy issues. For more information email, or write EPIC, 666 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20003. +1 202 544 9240 (tel), +1 202 547 5482 (fax).

To subscribe, write to:

with the message SUBSCRIBE CPSR-ANNOUNCE Firstname Lastname

(You may also receive the Alert by reading the USENET newsgroup


Purpose: This list is a forum for people interested in the neutral international language Esperanto. Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, publications, and news are encouraged; of course, discussion *in* the language itself are especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists.

Contact: (Mike Urban)



Purpose: Extropians is devoted to the discussion and development of Extropian ideas. The term "Extropian" was coined by the publishers of the journal "Extropy", which is devoted to Extropian philosophy. This list is a spinoff of the journal. Extropians may be roughly described as those simultaneously interested in anarchocapitalist politics, cryonics (and other life extension techniques), the technological extension of human intelligence and perception, nanotechnology, spontaneous orders, and a number of other related ideas. If you are an Extropian, the concept that these are all related topics will seem natural.

All Extropians (and those who suspect that they are Extropians) are invited to join. The list is run from a commercial site and to strictly cover costs there is a fee charged to join the list, $14 per year (less for ExI member and Journal subscribers and students). A 30 day free-trial is given to all subscribers.

ExI also offers a low-traffic Exi-Essay list:

and a number of local lists announcing extropian events in different geographical areas.

For more information on the Extropy Institute Inc, a not for profit educational foundation, send mail to or write to Extropy Institute, 13428 Maxella Avenue, #273 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292.



Purpose: A moderated list devoted to cyberculture and the like.


Basic changes are occurring in the nature of work in all industrialized countries. Information technology has hastened the advent of the global economic village. Jobs that workers at all skills levels in developed countries once held are now done by smart machines and/or in low-wage countries. Contemporary rhetoric proclaims the need for ever-escalating competition, 'leaner and meaner' ways of doing business, a totally 'flexible workforce,' and jobless growth. What a large permanent reduction in the number of secure, adequately-waged jobs might mean for communities, families and individuals is not being adequately discussed, nor are the implications for income distribution and education. Our objective is to involve as many people as possible--including you--in re-designing for the new realities rather than debating their existence. We hope that this list will help to move these issues to a prominent place on public and political agendas worldwide.

To subscribe, write to:

with this message: SUB FUTUREWORK


List for the discussion of the works of Buckminster Fuller.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: SUBSCRIBE GEODESIC "Your Name"


General Semantics list


Interpersonal Computing


The Interpersonal Computing and Technology List (IPCT-L) was created February 1992 by the Center for Teaching and Technology (CTT) at the Academic Computer Center, Georgetown University. A special effort will be made to promote an international forum for pedagogical issues important to higher education involving teaching with technology, and especially with connectivity and networking.

A goal is to create a forum for the discussion of computing and other technology that can be used to promote learning. Topics for discussion may involve teaching and training; collaboration; partnerships among learners, faculty or teachers, and other interested persons in the educational community; and research that reflect these interests. The decade of the 1980s was characterized by the _personal_ computer, and development of individual product- ivity. The focus of the IPCT-L, as we move toward the 21st century, is that _interpersonal_ computing and technology will tie persons together throughout the world -- to share ideas and solve problems.

Besides creating a forum for the topics of interest noted above, another interest of the CTT is to publish a scholarly, refereed international journal. To that end, the IPCT-L will develop a subscription list and act as a resource to develop the community necessary to review articles and recommend editorial policies as these publishing goals move forward.

To subscribe, write to: LISTSERV@GUVM.GEORGETOWN.EDU

with the message: SUBSCRIBE IPCT-L yourfirstname yourlastname



Purpose: Discussion of Phil Zimmerman & Co.'s Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public key encryption program for MS-DOS, Unix, SPARC, VMS, Atari, Amiga, and other platforms. Mirror of and related articles on sci.crypt.


Learning Organization

This is a mailing list for people interested in the Learning Organization concept, as described by Peter M. Senge in _The Fifth Discipline_, (1990, New York, Currency Doubleday).

The idea in short: A "Learning Organization" is one in which people at all levels, individually and collectively, are continuously increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about.

For information on learning-org --

Via the Web, the URL is and the last two characters are "el-oh," not "one-zero."

Or, email our faithful robot,

The subject line is ignored; begin your msg with these two lines:

info learning-org

If you have trouble, please *forward* whatever indicates that there is a problem to us at


Purpose: Libernet is a Libertarian mailing list. The list is available in two modes: as a mail reflector and as a digest.

Contact: (Barry S. Fagin)


Purpose: The focus of LIBFEM is the classical liberty and individual rights perspective as applied to feminist issues, such as issues regarding ideology, politics, culture, gender, etc., in order to establish a network for information, discourse, cooperation, encouragement and consciousness raising. There has always been an element of individualism in the various women and feminist movements, although this element seems to have been somewhat neglected in recent movements. LIBFEM has been divided into two groups: LIBFEM-NEWS (low volume; news items and original postings) and LIBFEM-TALK (news and discussion; occasional high volume).

Contact: (Thomas Gramstad) (Thomas Gramstad)


Purpose: Mind-L is a discussion group for people interested in mind altering techniques in general, and mind machines (light & sound, TENS/CES, electromagnetic pulse, floatation) & biofeedback equipment in particular. Related topics include smart nutrients, hypnosis, relaxation techniques and subliminal tapes/videos. Conversation ranges from serious research to home electronics to amateur personal observations.

This group does not cover hallucinatory drugs (eg. LSD). The subject may come up from time to time, but there are other lists which already give extensive coverage of that topic.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: subscribe mind-l YourName

List owner: (John Romkey)

Some back issues and other related documents and programs are stored on Mind-L's ftp site. The address is Logon as "anonymous" and use your email address as a pass word. Look in the directory /pub/mind-l.


Oceania-L is devoted to the goal of establishing a new country named Oceania. This country will be devoted to the value of freedom and will first exist as a sea city in the Caribbean. As no collectivist nation is likely to sell us the land we need, we will build an island out of concrete and steel. At this point, the organization behind this new country, The Atlantis Project, is building the necessary financial resources to pay off past debts and to pay for the completed model of Oceania. Once this task is completed, The Atlantis Project will go into full gear and go well beyond its peak reached in early 1994 when it was covered by media across the U.S. and the world including the BBC, the Miami Herald, the Art Bell Show, Boating magazine and Details magazine.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: subscribe oceania-l YourFullName

There is also a World Wide Web site at:

And an FTP site at: with files at /pub/oceania


New List Announcements

Purpose: This is a mailing list "clearing house" for new mailing lists. Subscribers will get announcements of new lists that are mailed to this list.

To subscribe, write to: LISTSERV@VM1.NoDak.EDU

with the message: SUB NEW-LIST

List owner: (Marty Hoag)


Purpose: I'd like to get people together on a mailing list who are willing to share their skills with others - not just the computist ones, althogh that's handy to know, but some of the oddball ones that we all seem to have aquired.

Ground rules: the list is not going to be publicly available but requests to the list for specific skills will be passed on to the people that have them, and they can decide about the level of participation they want to have. The only public piece that will be mailed around is the new skills that have been added, and the new requests for assistance.

Contact: sun!kass!richard (Richard Karasik)


Spunk Press is an independent publishing organization started at the end of 1992 by a few individuals, and run via a mailing list, which want to do the same thing for alternative literature as the Gutenberg project does to the classics. We want to archive scanned in, typed in or posted alternative and anarchistic material as well as distribute and encourage the production of such material online. Anything anarchistic, alternative, underground or fringe scientific will fit into the Spunk Press archive.

If you want to join us in collecting material, consider joining the spunk-list. If you just want to get information about new titles and what's going on in Spunk Press, consider joining the spunk-info mailing list instead. To join anyone of these, please write to

and specify which list you want to be added to. There is no need to subscribe to both lists since every piece of information sent to the spunk-info list will be thoroughly discussed on spunk-list first.

trepan-l , trepan-d

Weird news mailing lists.

Trepan-L is for the publication of weird news items. (Note that this is distinguished from personal accounts of strange events.) Trepan-D, an associated list, is for discussion of weird news items, particularly those which appear on Trepan-L. The lists are separate so that people who don't care about discussion can still receive the odd news that they do care about.

To subscribe, write to:

with the message: SUB Trepan-L YourName or SUB Trepan-D YourName

List owner: (Jeremy J. B. Nguyen)


Purpose: To discuss non-monogamous relationships, polyfidelity, and group marriage, and the various issues that arise in that context, like jealousy, shared housing, marriage laws, sex, etc. Not moderated.

Contact: (Howard A. Landman)

Total Quality Management in Higher Education

A forum for the open discussion of all aspects of TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT concepts and how these concepts can be implemented in institutions of Higher Education. Case studies and specific examples depicting the application of TQM in controlling/improving processes in an educational environment are most welcome. Discussion of the appropriate "tools" for analysis of processes are certainly appropriate. New ideas and innovations regarding concepts of TQM and how these concepts apply toward quality improvement in the delivery of education/research by Colleges and Universities can be shared by the membership.

To subscribe, write to: LISTSERV@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU

with the message: SUBSCRIBE TQM-L YourName

List owner: CLAUSON_JR@A1.RSCC.CC.TN.US (Jim Clauson)


Purpose: Any aspects of vegetarianism, vegetarian lifestyles, or indeed anything relevant to vegetarians.



Managed by The Monroe Institute. For all those using Hemi-Sync tapes to venture into the realms of their own consciousness. This mailing lsit is for all who want to continue learning by telling about their voyages, reading of others' experiences, and echanging information about TMI programs and audio-guidance learning systems.

To subscribe, write to:

with the SUBJECT: subscribe

The Monroe Institute


- World Future Society's list; still at its infancy (started in July 1994)

To subscribe, write to:

with the messag: subscribe wfs-talk YourName

WHOLESYS-L - Whole Systems List

The list is for the exploration of whole system principles, particularly in regards to economic, ecological, sociological and metaphysical transformation of our civilization. The intention is to create and discuss a positive vision for the future of planet Earth as a whole system.

The Whole Systems list is for the discussion of:

This might be a list for you if you would consider reading books like:

This is an unmoderated public list. No flaming will be allowed, but frank discussions are welcome. It is pre-supposed that the participants support the general idea of creating a better future and are able to tolerate diverse viewpoints.

You subscribe by writing to: with the message: subscribe wholesys-l

All messages about subscribing, unsubscribing or any other requests must go to the listserv address. You can send a message with 'help' in the message body if you don't know what you can do.

List owner: (Flemming Funch)

Whole Systems page



Purpose: Discussion Group on the Rights of Kids and Teens. Broad Spectra of discussion topics, with individual liberty being one of the main focuses. Open to kids, teens, young adults, adults, senior citizens, teachers, students, grade schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and university networks, gatewaying to other networks.

Digest/Notebook version available, as well as past discussions. E-Mail to LISTSERV@SJUVM.BITNET the following:

SUB Y-RIGHTS firstname lastname To subscribe to the list
AFD Y-RIGHTS DIGEST Receive Weekly Digest of the list
GET Y-RIGHTS FILELIST List of previous discussion logs

Listowner: (Kenneth Udut)


- mail-to-usenet gateways

- netnews - newsclipping service

Allows you to scan the whole newsfeed for things you want, with a variety of options. sends results by mail.

send a message to, with just one word, help, in its *body*, to get info.

or, check it out through WWW: Remailer List for a list of anonymous servers.

There is also a WWW Remailer interface.