One thousand pounds for your best ideas!



Is yours a new, imaginative and feasible idea or project for improving the quality of life? If so (or if you know of such a scheme, or have a newspaper cutting about a likely project) please submit it, in less than 1,000 words, to our new online GLOBAL IDEAS BANK, created with the help of Flemming Funch and the New Civilization Network, which already contains several thousand best ideas submitted by members of the public worldwide, and which offers a total of 1,000 pounds (UK Sterling) in awards (annually, with a deadline of June 1st) for the best non-technological ideas or projects sent in.

Supporters of the Institute for Social Inventions include Lord Young of Dartington, Sir Peter Parker, Edward de Bono, Tony Buzan and Anita Roddick. The deadline for the awards is June 1st each year. There is no entry form. Entries can be sent by snail mail, fax or e-mail. Besides money awards, the winners receive a framed certificate, quite a lot of media publicity worldwide, help where possible with implementing their schemes, and publication not only online but in book form, in an annual compendium of social innovations and in its Encyclopaedia of Social Innovations, The Book of Visions.

Some of the best social innovations that the Institute for Social Inventions has helped to promote over the last ten years:

The Institute for Social Inventions, a non-profit organisation, also runs social invention workshops in schools, has a network of 400 members and subscribers around the world (subscriptions cost 17 pounds by credit card, by phone or fax) and has acted as the model for similar institutes in Sweden, West Germany, Holland and Russia.

The Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA, UK (tel [int. 44] (0)181 208 2853; fax [int. 44] (0)181 452 6434; e-mail: