Whole Systems

Last update: 27 August 1996

This area is devoted to the study of whole systems.

Nature is a whole system. But also an economy, a family, a company, a community, or many other things, can be looked at as whole systems. A whole system view would include all the factors involved and examine how they relate to each other and how they work as a whole. To deal with a whole system we can't leave anything out as irrelevant. Intuition is as important as rationality, we must address both scientific and artistic approaches, both material and spritual needs, the small as well as the big, what we feel as well as what we think, what we perceive as well as what we imagine.

Whole systems are dynamic, they change they move, they develop. Frozen pictures of how things are supposed to be might do us no good, we need to deal with the live systems, whichever surprising directions that might take us in.

There is no one authority in the field of whole systems. Luckily nobody has monopolized it by putting it into a standard curriculum defining what it IS. So, we all have the opportunity to discover together what whole systems are about.

There is a Whole Systems mailing list for the exploration of whole systems principles, particularly in regards to economic, ecological, sociological and metaphysical transformation of our civilization.

Subjects and Disciplines

Whole Systems Design
Networking - (50+) The Networking Institute.
Learning Organizations (100+)
Mind Mapping
Mind-Mapping (30+)
Total Quality Management: TQM BBS (by gopher), Kaizen home page (continuous improvement)
Holographic Universe
Cybernetics and Systems Theory - (200+) Principia Cybernetica
General Semantics
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (50+)
NLP and the Existential Quest
Complex Systems
Complex Systems (100+)
Modeling and Simulation (200+)
Memetics - (20+) understanding the spreading of useful ideas.
Patterns Home Page - (12) patterns and pattern languages. Also check Anamorph and Patterns-Discussion FAQ
History of Game Theory
HoloDynamic Compression - mapping miracles into the machine.
The Enneagram
System Dynamics (20+)


Kevin Kelly: "Out of Control"
Peter M. Senge: "The Fifth Discipline"
Buckminster Fuller: "Critical Path"
Buckminster Fuller: "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth"
James P. Carse: "Finite and Infinite Games"
Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps: "The Age of the Network"
Joel Arthur Barker: "Paradigms"
Jose Arguelles: "Earth Ascending"
Michael Talbot: "The Holographic Universe"
David Bohm: "Wholeness and the Implicate Order"
Tony Buzan: "The Mind Map Book"
James Redfield: "The Celestine Prophecy"
Alfred Korzybsky: "Science and Sanity"
Alan Watts: "The Book - about the taboo against knowing who you are"
Tara Singh: "The Future of Mankind"
Peter Drucker: "Post-Capitalist Society"
T.Kun: "Project Mind"
Ken Wilber: "No Boundary"
Charles Hampden-Turner: "Maps of the Mind"
Creating a New Civilization - book by Alvin and Heidi Toffler.
Daniel Quinn: Ishmael
Whole Earth Catalog - (50+)


Whole Earth Review (50+)
The Futurist
Cybernetics and Systems
The Systems Thinker
Popular Science


Buckminster Fuller - Spaceship Earth.
Gregory Bateson - Ecology of Mind.
Arthur Koestler - Holarchies of nature
Alfred Korzybsky - General Semantics
Rupert Sheldrake - Morphogenic fields
David Bohm - Holographic physics
Edwards Deming - Total Quality
Peter M. Senge - The Learning Organization
Tony Buzan - (50+) Mind Maps, memory.
Jean Houston - (10+) Waking World. Mystery School.
Jessica Lipnack & Jeffrey Stamps - (50+) Networking
Alan Watts (10+)
Edward de Bono
Jack Sarfatti - (100+) New physics and consciousness, post-modernism.
Jay Forrester - (20+) System Dynamics.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


New Civilization Network - (100+) Cooperation for a better world.
The World Game Institute - (20+) Making the world work.
The Networking Institute (50+)
The Change Project - (100+) change in organizations, communities, families and individuals.
International Institute for Sustainable Development - (20+)
Institute for Global Communications - (500+) The Progressive Directory
Global Business Network
World Future Society
Buckminster Fuller Institute
Center for Process Studies - process@cgs.edu
Institute for Whole Systems Design - (20+) Antioch University, Seattle.
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Santa Fe Institute - (50+) multi-displinary studies, complexity.
OneWorld Online - (500+) global justice, conflict, aid, trade, education, health, human rights, population.
Communications as Engagement - The Rockefeller Foundation.
Netherlands Design Institute - (10+) economics, knowledge systems.
Nanothinc - (100+) Nanotechnology of all forms. Lots of graphics.
University of Houston - Future Studies
  • MIT Organizatonal Learning Network


    Geosphere Project - visualizing planet Earth.
    The Dancing Rabbit Project
    Intentional Communities - (100+)
    The Venus Project (10+) Redesigning a culture.
    Arcosanti - (40+) arcology project. Paolo Soleri.
    Global Energy Network
    Oceania - (20+) the Atlantis Project.
    XVille - Doctress Neutopia's experimental community.
    The Quality Community Page (7)

    Models and Tools

    Mind Mapping
    New Civilization Game by Bill Robertson.
    Infinite Games - A vision of life as play and possibility.
    Activity Alignment
    Meta Programs
    Symbol Test - Test people's attitude to work.
    Cognitive Tools - for collaboration between teams.
    The Fourth Wave: A Normative Forecast for the Future of "SpaceShip Earth - by Oliver W. Markley.
    Fourth Wave Concept Overview by Bob Debold.
    Open Network and the Emergence of Freeorder - (10+) Pattern research.

    Global Systems

    Monetary System for the New Millenium - by Roger Langrick.
    A Warning to Humanity - from the leading scientists of the planet.
    Global Resource Bank - proposal to U.N. conference.
    An afternoon with Jeremy Rifkin - long transcript.
    Shared Energy Grid? - a thread of messages.
    The Web and the new civilization - by Tom Munnecke.


    Whole Systems Quotes
    The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World - by Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic.
    A Call for New Values Mikhail Gorbachev.
    The Hundredth Monkey by Ken Keyes.
    Chief Seattle
    Declaration of Evolution by Timothy Leary.
    Onar Am - (30+) the origins of knowledge.
    Buddhist Economics by E.F.Schumacher.

    Other Links

    Gaia, Our Living Earth
    Alexander Chislenko - (200+) futurism, knowledge, and more.
    ISWorld Net - (50+) information technology, information infrastructure.
    Visionary Leadership - (10) Organizational Elements Model.
    Virtual Chaos - (10) a theory of everything.



    Mailing lists

    Whole Systems
    Whole Info
    Learning Organizations

    Essays by Flemming Funch

    Abundance Economics
    The Whole View
    Scarcity Money
    The Eyes of a Child
    The Great Pirates
    The Whole Reality
    Science and Sanity
    Radiant Thinking
    Society and Culture
    The Fifth Discipline
    Fundamental Social Laws - proposed basic rules.
    Knowing who you Really are - Alan Watts.
    Shifting the Burden - a system template.
    Resource Ethics - principles for dealing with resources.
    Ephemeralization - doing more with less.
    New Civilization Network - proposal for new network of teams.
    Just in Time
    Proactive Money
    Free Resources
    Economy - how the money system works.
    Going beyond Normalcy
    Backlogged Progress
    Pattern Languages
    Master and Apprentices
    Teen-age Society
    Social Artistry
    Profit Reframed
    Universal Wholeness Math
    Discontinuious Trends

    Essays by Donovan Sullivan

    Starship Earth
    Nate Tour and his mother

    Essays by Kirby Urner

    New Circuit Designs for Planet Earth

    Essays by Joachim Steingrubner

    The General Theory of Relativity of Suffering and Enjoying

    "The essential new quality implied by the quantum theory is... that a system cannot be analyzed into parts. This leads to the radically new notion of unbroken wholeness of the entire universe. You cannot take it apart. For if you do, what you end up with is not contained within the original whole. It is created by the act of analysis."
    - David Bohm -
    Wholeness and the Implicate Order

    Whole System Glossary under construction.

    Return to World Transformation home page (1000+).

    New Civilization Network home page (100+)

    This page is maintained by Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>.