
May 1995

Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout. Just as a lotus flower springs from the mire to bloom splendidly, the interaction of the cosmic breath causes the flower of the spirit to bloom and bear fruit in this world'.

Morihei Ueshiba, ' The Art of Peace'.

Features and Reviews

The Dalai Lama -

His 36th annual statement on the Tibetan National Uprising against Chinese rule.

Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind' by Maureen O'Halloran

A moving portrayal of the Zen working path to enlightenment. Reviewed by Adam Gordon

Working with Trauma and Crisis Intervention

The male and female within us. A sensitive personal experience in the training process. By Clare Crombie

All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go

Being wheel clamped in more ways than one in the Social Services. The trials of a care worker. By: Fran Hedges

'Modelling' The heart of NLP

Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott continue their work in this series

Monday Night Talks at Alternatives

Rowena Patty Kryder - a visionary in today's consciousness movement speaks at Alternatives. Reviewed by Adam Gordon

Peter Russell on ET 101, A Cosmic Instruction Manual

Co-created by Mission Control and Zoev. A remedial manual for dealing with extra terrestrials. A witty yet profound book.

'Spinning the Wheel of Ana' - Reviewed by Rose Flint

Native American and Sacred British Wheels. A look at non linear ways for our ultra straight line society.

The Thirteenth Constellation

Melanie Reinhart has an informed and lively approach to this development and its meaning for Astrology.

Homeopathy - Art or Science, by Dee Robertson

Understanding the place for the science of homeopathy in our society.

The Circle of Thirteen by Carolyn Hillyer

Images and poems exploring deep woman myth and archetypes. This talented artist and singer introduces us to the wisdom of the circle of grandmothers.

Runes and the Medicine Wheel by Francis Maddison

A new way of working with runes, combining the wisdom of the medicine wheel with the symbolic language of the runes.

The Albatross -A poem by Oceania

The Editorial

Readers Letters

Let us have your news and views, please write to

April 1995 - Issue 3

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