
11:50 a.m. local time, Tuesday 13th August, 1996
Location: 51.500 degrees North -0.117 degrees East
Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom

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Thomas Quasthoff - London Wigmore Hall audience warmly welcomes a unique German baritone at his first performance in the City. . All this and more, in the first edition of Bel Canto, IHL's new Opera magazine.
The one who is really wise recognizes that there are many different ways of understanding wisdom. This month in the The Weaver.
Applied Kinesiology A technique that uses muscle testing to restore functionality to an out of balance body. in this month's Balance.
NEW! Trading Place - Cyber Cyclist Bike Exchange The full scoop in this month's The CyberCyclist.
Science Unravels The Structure Of The Financial Markets - The study of high frequency financial data reveal patterns of predictability in Thesis.
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