The Thirteenth Constellation

By: Melanie Reinhart

In January 1995, alarm and consternation was raised by the announcement of a thirteenth constellation, Ophiucus. The timing of this latest attempt to 'disprove astrology' corresponded to the entry of Pluto into Sagittarius and is amusingly congruent with those themes (ref: The Rebirth of Meaning)

Constellations and Signs

The twelve signs of the Zodiac, as familiar to most people, are not the same as the constellations of the same name, which all lie along theEcliptic. The zodiac is formed from the Vernal Equinox Point (VEP) as the Sun crosses the celestial equator every year around March 21st, or more technically, when the ecliptic and the equator intersect.

Names and qualities were attributed to the 12 signs of the zodiac during a time when the Vernal Equinox Point occurred against the backdrop of stars within the constellation named Aries, which thus became the first in the cycle. However, owing to the phenomenon of precession, the VEP no longer lines up this way, but is approximately 23 degrees different. Many hundreds of years ago, through similar subtle shifting, the right foot of the figure envisioned within the constellation of Ophiucus began to intersect with the ecliptic, treading upon the Scorpion.

So, the presence of Ophiucus on the ecliptic makes no difference whatever to the 12 sign sequence of the so-called Tropical Zodiac, formed from the co-ordinates described. There are numerous zodiacs in use in different parts of the world, notably the Sidereal Zodiac most commonly used in the East. They are like different lenses with which to view the same thing - human life in its multidimensional complexity, and embedded in a cosmos which we all share.

Ophiucus - The Image

Between Scorpio and Sagittarius stands the figure wresting with a snake, variously described as:

Traditional Views of Ophiucus

The planet Pluto is now reaching the area of the constellation where the man holds the snake in his left hand. The stars Epsilon and Delta Ophiuci in this area form an asterism said historically to be linked with ritual care of the dead, the dying and the bereaved. In general, Ophiucus signifies plagues and other epidemic diseases; also the healing of venomous bites, and the purging of poison. Perhaps we are collectively preparing to engage in a transformational process of 'grasping the snake'. (See the section on Exit from the Underworld in the Rebirth of Vision )

The Healing Snake

Hercules killing of the snake reflects the possibility of superhuman strength available in times of need and crisis, to overcome the forces of destructiveness, on whatever level, internal or external. For negatively, the snake is an image of that which is subversive, destructive and poisonous.

However, healing powers have traditionally been linked with the snake, the animal form of Asclepius, and snake cults in pre-Hellenic Greece were powerful centres of healing and prophecy. The shrine of Apollo at Delphi was originally presided over by an oracular priestess, the Pythoness. The caduceus, the symbol for the medical profession, is a sword or staff entwined by two snakes, suggesting the harmonisation of conflict as an important factor in the healing of disease.

Asclepius was a student of Chiron, and became so skilled that he began raising the dead. This angered Hades, Lord of the Underworld, whose function was being usurped, and he struck Asclepius down dead. Later his soul was immortalised in the constellation that became Ophiucus.

As Above So Below

The parallel of this celestial image with the terrestrial development of medical science is unmistakable. For all the benefits we all receive from the wonders of 20th century medicine, the attendant problems are becoming increasingly obvious. If the soul and its immortality are not considered, then life at any price becomes the highest value, with sometimes questionable results. Also, mankind is collectively facing the results of his abuse and poisoning of the environment.

Number Thirteen

Thirteen is a lunar number often regarded with superstition and fear, as unlucky. There are 13 lunar months in the year, and 13 sign zodiacs have been used in various cultures down the ages. However, out time and calendar systems are solar, and the Apollonian qualities of Order and Reason are valued to the exclusion of the world of feelings, nonrational perception and intuition. The announcement of Ophiucus could be said to herald a period of history during which the deeper lunar values are, and must be included. Thus the 12 sign Tropical Zodiac set against the background sequence of 13 constellations is a powerful metaphor of the harmonisation of lunar and solar ways of being.

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