'Spinning The Wheel of Ana'

By: Kathy Jones

Reviewed by: Rose Flint

Kathy Jone's new book 'Spinning the Wheel of Ana' is a more in - depths and personal exploration of the British primal ancestors, which she has previously described in her two books 'The Goddess in Glastonbury' and 'The Ancient British Goddess'. Kathy is well known as the animateur for Ariadne Productions, a ritual theatre company based in Glastonbury. Woven into this book is the story of the writing and making of the Sacred Drama 'The Shining Ones', an expression of the myth of the pre-Celtic Tuatha da Danann. Entering into the production through words, visual images, music, the spiritual qualities of the work intensified, leading not so much to a simple linear pursuit of the Ancestors, but to something more holistic and web-shaped. Experimentally using the eight directions of the Native American medicine Wheel as a vehicle for the action of the play, Kathy began to intuitively feel for connections that linked together The Old Ones from the earliest mythic past of many places. Continuing to work with the energies of the eight directions Kathy discovered that she could no longer fit all that she was learning onto the traditional 'British Sacred Wheel'. She has come to believe that this new time requires a new wheel, which she offers here: The Sacred Wheel of Ana.

This is a compelling account of a spiritual quest where the balance between intellect and intuition is always finely tuned. Widely researched in history, archaeology, folklore and myth, the book ranges over a broad area, and knowledge, however it has been gathered, is offered without ego. There is nothing bombastic here; no slick, over-defined views of the far-past or the Otherworld given as indisputable truths. Instead the reader shares the exciting and often difficult story of a woman's search for our spiritual roots which are so deeply entwined with the land.

All books published by Kathy Jones available by post from Ariadne Publications, 56 Whiting Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8HR
'Spinning The Wheel of Ana' By: Kathy Jones
Price ú11.99 + ú1.50 p& p

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