Circle of Thirteen

Images and Poems to Celebrate the Wisdom of The Grandmothers

Carolyn Hillyer

The circle of thirteen is a journey, using evocative poems and imagery to move into the archetypes and deep woman myth . The poems and images describe the circle of thirteen grandmothers, each one of whom hold a key to an aspect of our inner landscape: collecting the fragments of ancient memory, resonating with earth rhythms, pushing to the wild edges. Woman as warrior, guardian, creator, mystic and myth keeper.

Here are a selection of the images and poems:

The images are 32k each

1.Moth Wing Woman

2.Good Mother Honey

3.Bone Hill Hag

4.Songi Night Hidden

5. Grandmother Weaves the Wind

6.Brown Birds Turning

Carolyn Hillyer will be performing these poems as songs, using the images to illustrate the journey, this performance can be seen at The Steiner Theatre, 35 Park Road, NW1 . UK. Tel: +44 01822 88301 for tickets

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