The Runes and the Medicine Wheel

By Francis Maddison

The ancient symbols of the Runes have been used by indigenous peoples of Europe for hundreds of years for guidance and contact with their divine purpose. The Runes have been used for protection as sigils on swords and shields and as sigils on personal amulets and sacred items. They have been used for divination and for healing as ancient medicine peoples seek the origin of personal problems. Today we see a re- emergence of the use of Runes as people search to find their own lineage dimmed through the ages of time and for many the loss of the oral traditions and teachings and also the loss of the sacredness in their lives.

Did the Runes originate from our Ancestors, many would say that they did, or do they have a more mystical esoteric origin? For those who have worked with the Runes know that they are very sacred, and the symbols are a gateway to a different world, the world of symbols, a gateway that leads to `hidden' knowledge and inexplicable mysteries. The Rune symbols themselves are as old as time and have been formed by the elements on stone indicating that they are not just an invention of man but have much deeper and greater significance.There are many books written about the Runes and many ways of interpreting the symbols. Many are based on the Chinese I-Ching, others using poems handed down from our forefathers but in truth the only true way to interpret them is to allow yourself to go into the symbol to discover for yourself the meaning. This is not always easy as we have forgotten how to allow symbols to speak to us unless they are in the form of the written word, a language we have learnt and understand. The Runes are another form of language and can have different meaning for different peoples and in that way they are more versatile. The Runes also can span Continents and race as a means of communication, they also help us to find our own inner voice and allow us to tap into our higher purpose. A single Rune or a combination of Runes can be formed into a prayer or a sigel and if used correctly can be of infinite value to the individual. If used in a negative way they can bring untold harm as can all esoteric practice (not recommended). The author takes no responsibility on any level for incorrect use of the Runes as the Runes were not given to us that we should use them for any purpose that could cause harm. If you use them with the intent that it should bring harm you do so at your own peril.

The problem many people have is in finding a way in which they can begin using the Runes, it's not always easy for a person to find the gateway into the Runes and many need a form of interpretation to begin the process. The Runes have a consciousness of their own and once one has started using the Runes other gateways are often opened. This article is therefore designed to provide a workable system to using the Runes which may help open up gateways for the individual. The system given in this article is based on the Medicine Wheel as used by some Native American Teachers. Many of the Native people of Turtle Island (North and South America) have passed on their Dreamtime Teaching while we in Europe have lost so many of the teachings of our Ancestors. The Native American teachings are given to us not that we should try to become Native American but that we should use these teachings to find a way back to our own lineage and sacredness, as a school teacher teaches a child how to write, not that they should become carbon copies of the teacher but that they should find their own style and way of writing.

Feoh, Ur, Thorn, Os, Rad, Cen, Gyfu, Wyn, Haegl, Nyd, Is, Ger, Eoh, Peord, Eolh, Sigel, Tir, Beorc,Ehwis, Man, Lagu, Ing, Epel, Daeg, Blank

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