
Click Email link to contact me Dave Cooper about anything on these pages.

This is CD Rom version of my website as of 9th. August 1998.

The only changes I have made are this text and an added Help page. The broken link towards the bottom of this page (shown usually as an 'acorn' symbol on Acorn browsers) is where there would normally be my web counter.

American Photos 84 Photos of America Text links to Photos Photos - only text links(7k)
College Fashion Page Zero Fashion Project My DTP work Some of my DTP work
SF story "DataRule"-SF Ch.1 SF Books SF - favourite booksnew
On Satellite SF & Computer on Sat. Classical CDs Classical CD Best-Buys
AUCD Help Special help for AUCD4 Family Info Family info page
MAUG Computer Club M.A.U.G. meetings+info Browser Graphic Tests Browser Test graphics
Acorn+Risc Acorn and RiscPc Pc Card My PC Card InfoUpdated
Destop Enhancements Desktop EnhancementsUpdated Java Info My Java Info PageUpdated

00001870 as of 9/8/98

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I have included a link to a charity for personal reasons - the R.N.I.B. (Which stands for the Royal National Institute for the Blind is based in United Kingdom)

Click for link to RNIB's Homepage