
This is a page for Acorn Computer users to download sprite files to use on their desktops. To start off with here are a number of Backdrop sprite images to use with Pinboard.

These are either in 256 shades of grey or 256 colours.. All of them are to be used as 'Tiled' backdrops.

Shift-Clicking on the zip file you want will bring up a save window so you can drag it to a suitable folder on your harddisc. You will need a copy of !Sparkplug to unpack these folders.

Zip icon  bkdp1/zipThe first 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp1/zip' which contains two Acorn logo backdrops, one on a black background and one on a white background.

The zip file is 7k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 30k and 20k.

AcornB AcornW
AcornB - Acorn 3D text on black background AcornW - Acorn 3D text on white background

Zip icon  bkdp2/zipThe second 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp2/azip' which contains two embossed Argo style logo backdrops, one of these being on a lighter grey background than the other.

The zip file is 25k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of about 28k each.

ArgoGrey ArgoGreyL
ArgoGrey - Embossed Argo logo on grey background ArgoGreyL - Embossed Argo logo on light grey background

Zip icon  bkdp3/zipThe third 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp3/zip' which contains two Argo logo backdrops, one grey on a white background and green on a white background.

The zip file is 5k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 15k and 14k.See small screenshots below.

emailbw emailg
emailbw - 3D Argo email on white background emailg - 3D Argo email in green on white background

Zip icon  bkdp4/zipThe fourth 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp4/zip' which contains two grey satellite dish backdrops, one of these being on a black background and the other on white.

The zip file is 19k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of about 38k each.See small screenshots below.

dishblack dishlight
dishblack - grey satellite dish on black background dishwhite - grey satellite dish on white background

Zip icon  bkdp5/zipThe fifth 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp5/zip' which contains two grey ArgoRing icon type backdrops, one of these being on a light grey background and the other on white.

The zip file is 10k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 12k and 18k.See small screenshots below.

argoring1 argoring2
argoring1 - Argo Webring logo on grey background argoring2 - Argo Webring logo on white background

Zip icon  bkdp6/zipThe sixth 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp6/zip' which contains two grey Phoebe text icon backdrops, one being on a grey background and the second on lighter grey.

The zip file is 18k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 49k each.See small screenshots below.

phoebe1 phoebe2
phoebe1 - Phoebe 2100 embossed text on grey background phoebe2 - Phoebe 2100 embossed text on light grey background

Zip icon  bkdp7/zipThe seventh 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp7/zip' which contains two grey spaceman backdrops, one being on a black background and the second on white.

The zip file is 23k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 24k each.See small screenshots below.

phoebe1 phoebe2
spacemb - Spaceman on black background spacemw - Spaceman on white background

Zip icon  bkdp8/zipThe eight 'Zipped' folder is 'bkdp8/zip' which contains two Phoebe imaage backdrops, one being a grey embossed image and the second in colour.

The zip file is 8k in size and unpacks to two sprite files of 20k and 11k. See small screenshots below.

phoebe1 phoebe2
sriscbw - Phoebe embossed sriscc - Phoebe in colour


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