
This is a test page mainly for Acorn Computer users to see how their browser handles some of the different graphic file formats.The following images are all based on the same original graphic - the PiNG Logo picture. I used this picture because it has can be in full colour with transparency included.Using the same base picture allows a better comparison of quality v. file size. Also note that although there may be little difference the the images if you are browsing in 256 colour mode, some will look better in high colour screens.

Test 1 - PiNG file - file size 17.4k


Test 3 - jpg file - file size 9k (75% setting)


Test 4 - GIF file - file size 14.6k.


Test 6 - SPRITE file (Risc OS only) - file size 51k


Test 7 - WEB file (Xara Webster) - file size 10.4k



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