IO-Link MasterEDS Files


You do not need to add the IO-Link Master to RSLinx for normal IO-Link Master-to-PLC communications. However, you can easily add the IO-Link Master and its associated Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) files to RSLinx.

The files named IO-Link Master_*.ico are icon files and files named IO-Link Master_dd_NNNN-x.xx.eds are ODVA electronic data sheet files where:

  • dd is the model name

  • NNNN is the product ID number

  • x.xx is the version number

Download the Files

You can download the EDS files provided for the IO-Link Master.

Model SupportedVersionDescription

IO-Link Master 4-EIP




If you need information about using EDS files, you can refer to the following procedures.

Adding the IO-Link Master to RSLinx

  1. Open RSLinx.

  2. Under Communications, select Configure Drivers.

  3. Under Available Drivers, select Remote Devices via Linx Gateway.

  4. Select Add New.

  5. Use the default driver name or type your own driver name and click OK to continue.

  6. Type the IP address for the device under Server’s IP Address or Hostname and select OK.

  7. Select RSWho to verify that RSLinx can communicate with the IO-Link Master.


A yellow question mark appears by the IO-Link Master(s) in the RSWho window when the associated EDS file(s) are not installed.

Adding EDS Files to RSLinx

  1. Open the EDS Hardware Installation Tool. (Select Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx Tools.)

  2. Click Add.

  3. Click Register a directory of EDS files.

  4. Browse to the Comtrol/EtherNetIP directory and click Next to continue.

  5. Verify that there is a green check beside each EDS file name and select Next to continue.

  6. To change the icons, perform the following tasks.

    1. Select an IO-Link Master.

    2. Select Change icon.

    3. Browse to the Comtrol/EtherNetIP directory and select the icon associated with your IO-Link Master.

  7. Click Finish to exit.

If RSLinx does not display the device after adding IO-Link Master and the EDS files to RSLinx, perform the following procedure:

  1. Select File > Exit and Shutdown to exit and shutdown RSLinx.

  2. Remove the following files from your hard drive:

    • \Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSCOMMON\Harmony.hrc

    • \Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSCOMMON\Harmony.rsh

  3. Restart RSLinx. The IO-Link Master or IO-Link Masters should now appear with the associated icon or icons.

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