IO-Link MasterSupporting Documentation

The following documentation is available for the IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP platform.


IO-Link Master 4-EIP User Guide



BETA-Rev A (Date: 03/10/14)

The IO-Link Master 4-EIP User Guide contains installation and configuration procedures.

IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual



BETA-Rev A (Date: 03/12/14)

The IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP Reference Manual contains detailed information about the IO-Link Master EtherNet/IP interface:

  • Data transfer methods

  • Transmit process data methods

  • Process data block descriptions

  • Event handling

  • ISDU handling

  • EtherNet/IP CIP object definitions

  • EtherNet/IP interface configuration

  • EtherNet/IP diagnostics

  • ControlLogix family - example PLC programs

  • SLC/PLC-5/MicroLogix interface

IO-Link Master Modbus/TCP Reference Manual



BETA-Rev A (Date: 03/12/14)

The IO-Link Master Modbus/TCP Reference Manual contains detailed information about the Modbus/TCP interface, including:

  • Modbus function codes

  • Modbus address definitions

  • Multiple port process data (PDI and PDO) access via Modbus/TCP

  • Modbus/TCP port configuration

  • Modbus/TCP Diagnostics

IO-Link Master Help System for the PortVision DX Software Settings Page



Rev A

This version of the latest IO-Link Master help file can be used with the PortVision DX Software Settings page.

You can save this to the Program Files (x86) > Comtrol > PortVision DX > Docs subdirectory so that you can locate it when using PortVision DX.

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