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Business Groups > Narrowing the scope of your business groups > How to filter devices by DLCI

How to filter devices by DLCI
You may want your data sources filtered. One of the ways you can have them filtered is by DLCI.
Ensure your address book is current by completing the steps in How to update the address book.
Choose Organization Group > Business Groups tab.
Right-click a business group and choose Edit. The Edit Business Group window appears
Click the Instance Filters and Routers button. The Instance Filters and Routers dialog appears.
Select Define DLCI Links (with CIRs), and click OK. The DLCI Device Selection window appears.
Click New to add a DLCI device and fill in the details. Click OK when you are done.
After completing this task:
After you have finished adding probe instances and devices to the Business Group, click OK from the main setup dialog to save changes and return to the Business Groups tab.
This dialog lets you select a list of individual DLCIs, ranges of DLCIs, or a combination of both to specify WAN routers being monitored by WAN Observer. Click New to display a dialog that lets you specify a DLCI or range. The dialog also lets you either set the Committed Information Rate (CIR) or use the rate set at the remote Observer Suite analyzer.
Click Edit to change the currently selected address filter. Click Delete to remove the selected address filter from the list. Click OK when you are done.