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Business Groups > How to update the address book

How to update the address book
Observer maintains an alias file that maps MAC to IP addresses or an alias, NETBIOS, or DNS name. By refreshing the address book, ORS connects to Observer and gets the latest data from the alias file from the selected probe instance so that any station aliases used in reports are reported correctly. We suggest that you periodically refresh your address book.
If the alias file that ORS has is not the current one from Observer or is empty, then all reports that are MAC driven will displayMAC addresses for Stations.
More often, as is true of heavy DHCP networks, a correctly configured but not up-to-date address file may show MAC address mapped to old IP addresses.
When the alias list is up-to-date, and correctly populated, then the new alias file will have the effect of showing MAC based reports with IP and/or alias information in the station names' columns.
In Observer, choose Tools > Discover Network Names.
Click Start to discover the devices attached to your network.
Click Save Aliases. Confirm you want to overwrite the current alias list.
In Observer Reporting Server, choose Organization Group > Business Groups tab.
Right-click a business group and choose Edit. The Edit Business Group window appears.
In the Selected Data Sources area, expand the tree and select a monitoring instance.
Click the Refresh Address Book button.
A message appears in the Connection Activity section letting you know the status of the last command.