Lonely Planet Home

Middle East

travel news review

23 December '98
Travellers are advised to defer all travel to all Middle East and Gulf countries following military strikes against Iraq. Travellers in Egypt are advised to register at their embassy and to follow local advice. Up to date advice is available on consular web sites.

13 May '98

Qatar Airways has opened a new office in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. This is the first Qatar Airways office out the Qatar capital, Doha. The airline has recently announced a new twice-weekly, non-stop flight to Munich, Germany, commencing on 15 June. The airline also offers three flights a week to Amman and Beirut and will commence four flights a week to Kathmandu from September 1998.



6 May '98
KLM air services to Doha are likely to resume later this year. KLM withdrew services to Qatar in January 1995 owing to falling passenger numbers. KLM will not offer direct services on flights to and from Amsterdam but would combine with another country in the region, possibly Bahrain. KLM recently increased services to other countries in the Gulf, including two flights daily from Dubai, in the UAE, to Amsterdam.




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