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16 April '99
Currently under consideration by Russian authorities is a proposal to open up the Pribaikalsky National Park, on the shores of Lake Baikal, to hunters in a bid to increase funding in the park. While park rangers have stated that hunting permits will increase cash flow into the park and that permit numbers would be carefully controlled, environmentalists have called the proposal a farce. The park was established in 1986 and is home to bears, wild bison, the Siberian sable, deer and wild cats. Lake Baikal itself was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996 and, at 25 million years, is the world's oldest lake.

5 February '99

Travellers to Europe will need to pull on their thermals as much of Europe is currently suffering from severe snow storms and freezing temperatures. The cold, wet conditions are expected to last for at least another week. Poor weather in the Swiss Alps has closed many mountain roads, and authorities have warned of avalanches in many part of the Alps. Roads in parts of Italy, Greece and Romania have been closed owing to heavy snowfalls, and a number of air services have been cancelled because of poor visibility.

But you will need more than your thermals if you are thinking of heading to the Russian Arctic, where temperatures last week fell to the lowest recorded this century. Temperatures along Russia's border with Norway fell to an extremely cold -56 degrees C (- 69 degrees F). Most days during January the temperature has been about 23 degrees C (41 degrees F) below average for this time of year. According to the Russian Weather Services the cold spell is expected to lift shortly.


10 June '98
A group of Russian Orthodox pilgrims have commenced a 10,143km (6,300 mile) journey from Vladivostok on RussiaÆs east coast to Moscow, RussiaÆs capital. The journey will take the pilgrims across Siberia and the Ural Mountains and they are expected to arrive in Moscow on 7 January 2000. And like wandering priests of the past, the pilgrims will carry with them religious icons, and will attempt to convert the masses as they go.



6 May '98
The first condom vending machines in Russia were installed last week in train stations, universities, department stores and petrol stations in Moscow. Once referred to as ægaloshesÆ in reference to the thickness of the rubber, only much improved Russian-made condoms will be stocked in the vending machines. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of reported STD and HIV/AIDS cases has increased dramatically, particularly among 13 to 20 year olds. At 5 rubles (US$.81) for a packet of three, health authorities are hopeful the Russian-made condoms will be affordable to all.



15 April '98
MTV, the United States music channel, will shortly be launched on Russian television. The 24-hour channel will comprise both Russian and US music clips, as well as popular television shows from the United States.



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