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3 May '99

An epidemic of meningococcal meningitis in the central Sudanese state of al-Gazira is reported to have worsened over the past fortnight. The outbreak reportedly claimed 17 victims on a single day. An acute shortage of vaccine, which provides protection against the disease for three years, has meant that most of the population has not been vaccinated, and the epidemic follows an appeal by the Sudanese government last month for funds to combat meningitis infection.

Meningitis is carried by otherwise healthy people and is passed on the same way as a cold. It attacks the brain and can be fatal within hours, with symptoms including fever, headache, sensitivity to light, neck stiffness, and purple patches on the skin. It's commonly treated with large doses of penicillin.

13 January '99

Sudan's fundamentalist Muslim government has decided to make it obligatory for women to wear Islamic costume. The edict will apply to all women, including foreigners, and the government will recruit a force of volunteer policemen to enforce its decision. Women entering Sudan are advised to cover their head and their legs, preferably to the ankle. Sudan's government has been committed to Islamic Shariah laws - which govern all aspects of everyday life - since 1991, and this decision was made by the general security committee in charge of supervising the laws. Other than in the north, much of Sudan remains inaccessible to tourists due to a prolonged civil war. The south is reported to be under the control of Christian groups.


25 February '98
A sudden increase in cases of kala azar, or visceral leishmaniasis has occurred in the Horn of Africa. The parasitic disease is endemic in 88 countries and, if untreated, has a mortality rate close to 100 percent.

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