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27 April '99
A new line has been added to the Cairo metropolitan subway system. Opened by Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, the line extends underneath the Nile River, linking Tahrir Square in central Cairo to Cairo University, a distance of about 5km (3mi). It is hoped that the extension will alleviate traffic congestion in what is one of the world's most congested and polluted cities.

23 April '99

Due to popular demand, the Egyptian government has decided to reopen 15 Red Sea islands. The islands were originally placed off limits to scuba divers and snorkellers due to the destructive impact of tourism on the coral reefs. The reefs feature some of the best diving and snorkelling in the world. Dive sites off Zabargad, Rocky, Brothers and Abul Kizan islands are now limited to two diving tours a week, with a maximum of six boats per tour containing no more than 15 divers.



23 December
Travellers are advised to defer all travel to all Middle East and Gulf countries following military strikes against Iraq. Travellers in Egypt are advised to register at their embassy and to follow local advice. Up to date advice is available on consular web sites.



28 July '98
A 3500 year old sarcophagus has been uncovered by archaeologists working at a site near Saqqara, south of Cairo. The sarcophagus is believed to be that of a governor who ruled the areas during King Teti's reign. The governor's tomb was found 14 years ago by archaeologists but it has taken until now to find the sarcophagus.



15 April '98
The United States Embassy in Cairo has recently issued a warning to Americans travelling or living in Egypt. The Embassy has warned of possible terrorist attacks and has advised US citizens to exercise greater than usual caution while in Cairo.



18 March '98
The Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza, one of EgyptÆs premier tourist attractions, will be closed for the next eight months. The site is to get a face-lift, including the installation of a French designed ventilation system to control humidity. The pyramid is the largest in Egypt and the oldest at Giza.



11 March '98
The Three Queens Pyramids, closed to visitors since their discovery 70 years ago, have this month been opened to the public. The pyramids are located to the east of the pyramid of Cheops, the largest in Egypt and oldest in Giza, and are the first to be devoted to women in the ancient royal family. Funding for the restoration of the site has been sporadic during the past 70 years, but recently work on the site has been accelerated and the restoration completed in a bid to encourage tourists back to the country.



4 March '98
A prehistoric human settlement believed to be around 9000 years old has been discovered in the Western Desert. The settlement, located 180km (112mi)west of the Abu Simbel temple to Rameses 1, covers 38sq km (15 sq mi) and includes 18 villages, a seasonal lake and sacred burial grounds containing the skeletons of cows.


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