Every war this century has left a legacy. A war isn't over when the peace treaty is signed, it isn't over when the soldiers go home. In 70 countries around the world, landmines make sure that the war never ends.

Every 20 minutes someone is killed or maimed by a landmine. Most landmine victims live in areas where health services are poor, where amputation methods are crude and where there is little hope of rehabilitation.

Hidden mines paralyse civilian populations. Roads are closed, arable land lies unused, trade is suspended, towns are deserted, factories are silent, people starve.

Austcare is working with non-government organisations around the world to remove the threat of landmines. With help from Austcare, local communities are learning about the danger of mines, are learning how to clear the mines from their land, and are learning how to treat injuries inflicted by mines. They need your help.

Also see our links Working in Partnership Around the World

Austcare web site
Lonely Planet Web Site