Working in Partnership

AUSTCARE works with non-government organisations around the world to make its landmine clearance projects more effective.

International Aid Agencies

Norwegian People's Aid - demining and rehabilitation, mostly in Africa
Handicap International (French & Belgian groups) - mine action
Save the Children USA Federation - education projects
Lutheran World Federation, Geneva - education projects
UN Relief & Works Agency
- education and micro-enterprise
United Nations Commissioner for Refugees - emergency and repatriation projects
Jesuit Refugee Service - education on the Thai-Burma border

Indigenous Organisations Working in Their Own Countries on Austcare-Funded Projects

Association of Nepata Volunteers - Sudan
Eritrean Relief and Refugee Commission
Bhutanese Refugees against Victims of Violence
Para Jovens Para Jovens (Portuguese Kids for Kids) - HIV AIDS for children in Africa
Rakhaine Development Foundation, Bangladesh - for refugees from Burma
The Women's Humanitarian Organisation - for Palestinian women in Lebanon

For more information on Austcare, email

Or make an online donation

Austcare web site
Lonely planet Web Site