Folder Browser

The Folder Browser is used to:

Scanning a folder

To scan a folder, select the folder name with the left mouse button. Unless the Auto-scan when folders selected option has been set, select the Scan Folder command.

When a folder is selected for scanning, itÆs name in the browser will be preceded by empty square brackets `[ ]`. Once it has been scanned, including all subfolders under it, the total amount of disk space used by all files under the folder will be shown in the square brackets.

If scanning for duplicates is also enabled, then any duplicate files found in the folders that are scanned will be shown in the Duplicates List Browser.

The currently selected folder is shown in the File Browser.

If the Auto-scan when folders selected option has been set, it is still possible to select a folder without scanning it by:

Right clicking on a folder brings up the folder context menu.

To expand a folder to show subfolders:

To contract a folder to hide its contents: