File Browser

The file browser shows the contents of the folder currently selected in the Folder Browser.

For each item in the folder, the following information can be listed:

The Name column is always shown. The other columns can be shown or hidden depending on the options set in the column options panel. A quick way to set these options is to right click on any of the column headers, and select the columns from the menu that pops up.

The Number of duplicates column only has values if the file has been scanned for duplicates. The value shown includes this file, so if no other copies of the file have been found, the value shown is 1. If the file has one other copy, the value shown is 2, and so on.

The file list can be sorted by name, disk space, file size or modification time. By default it is sorted by file size. To change this, click in the title box of the column you want to sort by. If you click a second time in the same title box, the sort order is reversed.

Note: Sorting by the number of duplicates provides a quick way of bringing all the files that have duplicates together.

Once a folder has been scanned for duplicates, the file browser also shows whether each file is unique, or if there is another copy of the file. This is shown by one of the following symbols next to the name:

File or folder is unique
There is another copy of this file or folder
Empty file or folder

A folder is shown as empty if it contains no files. An empty folder may contain subfolders, but none of these subfolders can contain any files either. Empty folders can be quickly deleted using the delete empty folders command.

For two folders to be shown as duplicates of each other, they must contain exactly the same files (including the same filenames). If they contain any subfolders, these must be identical as well. If a folder is marked as being a duplicate, then the other folder(s) that it is a duplicate of can be seen by using the Next Duplicate and Previous Duplicate commands. These commands are only enabled if a duplicate folder is selected, and they cycle the selected folder between folders that are duplicates of each other.

When a file is shown to be a duplicate, the other copies of that file can be found by selecting the file. The other copies of the file will then be shown in the Duplicate Files Browser.

Right clicking on a folder brings up the folder context menu, and right clicking on a file brings up the file context menu. Multiple folders or files can be selected by holding down SHIFT while selecting to extend the selection, or CTRL to toggle the selection status of the item picked.