Folder context menu

The folder context menu is brought up by right clicking on a folder in the folder browser or file browser. It contains the following commands:

Explore Launches Windows Explorer, expanded to show the selected folder.
Mark Duplicate Files Brings up the mark duplicate files panel for the selected folder.
Mark Marks all files in the selected folder.
Unmark Unmarks all files in the selected folder.
Delete Deletes the selected folder and all subfolders under it.
Delete Empty Folders Deletes all subfolders of the selected folder that contain no files.
Next Duplicate This command only appears in the folder context menu when the selected folder is a duplicate folder. This command selects the next folder that is a duplicate of this folder.
Previous Duplicate This command only appears in the folder context menu when the selected folder is a duplicate folder. It performs the same action as the preceding command, except that it cycles in the reverse direction through the duplicate folders.
Exclude Folder Adds the selected folder to the list of excluded folders. This will cause the folder to disappear from the folders shown.
Exclude Subfolders Adds all the subfolders of the selected folder to the list of excluded folders. This will cause all the subfolders to disappear from the folders shown.
Clear Folder Data Clears all the size and duplicates information that has been found for the selected folder, and for all subfolders under it.