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 Int 21 Fn 5E01  - 10net V5.0 - Get Local 10net Configuration Table
 Int 21 Fn 5E02  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Set Network Printer Setup String
 Int 21 Fn 5E03  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Get Network Printer Setup String
 Int 21 Fn 5E04  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Set Printer Mode
 Int 21 Fn 5E04  - 10net V5.0 - Initiate Print Job
 Int 21 Fn 5E05  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Get Printer Mode
 Int 21 Fn 5E05  - 10net V5.0 - Terminate Print Job
 Int 21 Fn 5E06  - 10net V5.0 - Get/set 10net Workstation Printer Setup Struc
 Int 21 Fn 5F00  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Get Redirection Mode
 Int 21 Fn 5F01  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Set Redirection Mode
 Int 21 Fn 5F02  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Get Redirection List Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5F03  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Redirect Device
 Int 21 Fn 5F04  - DOS 3.1+ Network - Cancel Redirection
 Int 21 Fn 5F05  - DOS 4+ Network - Get Extended Redirection List Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5F05  - Starlite Architecture - Map Local Drive Letter To Remote F
 Int 21 Fn 5F06  U - Network - Get Full Redirection List
 Int 21 Fn 5F06  - Starlite Architecture - Unmap Drive Letter
 Int 21 Fn 5F07  - DOS 5+ - Enable Drive
 Int 21 Fn 5F07  - Starlite Architecture - Make Named Object Available On Net
 Int 21 Fn 5F08  - DOS 5+ - Disable Drive
 Int 21 Fn 5F08  - Starlite Architecture - Remove Global Network Name Of Obje
 Int 21 Fn 5F09  - Starlite Architecture - Bind To Network Device
 Int 21 Fn 5F0A  - Starlite Architecture - Detach From Network Device
 Int 21 Fn 5F30  U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - ???
 Int 21 Fn 5F32  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSqnmpipeinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F33  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSqnmphandstate
 Int 21 Fn 5F34  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSsetnmphandstate
 Int 21 Fn 5F35  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSpeeknmpipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F36  u - Named Pipes - Local DOStransactnmpipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F37  u - Named Pipes - DOScallnmpipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F38  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSwaitnmpipe - Await Avail. Of Pipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F39  U - Named Pipes - Local DOSrawreadnmpipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F3A  U - Named Pipes - Local DOSrawwritenmpipe
 Int 21 Fn 5F3B  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Nethandlesetinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F3C  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Nethandlegetinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F3D  U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Write Mailslot???
 Int 21 Fn 5F3E  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netspecialsmb
 Int 21 Fn 5F3F  U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Remote API Call
 Int 21 Fn 5F40  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netmessagebuffersend
 Int 21 Fn 5F41  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netserviceenum
 Int 21 Fn 5F42  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netservicecontrol
 Int 21 Fn 5F43  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Dosprintjobgetid
 Int 21 Fn 5F44  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netwkstagetinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F45  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netwkstasetinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F46  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netuseenum
 Int 21 Fn 5F47  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netuseadd
 Int 21 Fn 5F48  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netusedel
 Int 21 Fn 5F49  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Netusegetinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F4A  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netremotecopy
 Int 21 Fn 5F4B  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netremotemove
 Int 21 Fn 5F4C  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Local Netserverenum
 Int 21 Fn 5F4D  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dosmakemailslot
 Int 21 Fn 5F4E  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dosdeletemailslot
 Int 21 Fn 5F4F  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dosmailslotinfo
 Int 21 Fn 5F50  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dosreadmailslot
 Int 21 Fn 5F51  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Dospeekmailslot
 Int 21 Fn 5F52  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Doswritemailslot
 Int 21 Fn 5F53  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Netserverenum2
 Int 21 Fn 5F55  U - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Kill All Connections???
 Int 21 Fn 5F80  - LANtastic - Get Login Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5F81  - LANtastic - Login To Server
 Int 21 Fn 5F82  - LANtastic - Logout From Server
 Int 21 Fn 5F83  - LANtastic - Get Username Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5F84  - LANtastic - Get Inactive Server Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5F85  - LANtastic - Change Password
 Int 21 Fn 5F86  - LANtastic - Disable Account
 Int 21 Fn 5F87  - LANtastic V3+ - Get Account
 Int 21 Fn 5F88  - LANtastic V4.0+ - Logout From All Servers
 Int 21 Fn 5F97  - LANtastic - Copy File
 Int 21 Fn 5F98  - LANtastic - Send Unsolicited Message
 Int 21 Fn 5F99  - LANtastic - Get Last Received Unsolicited Message
 Int 21 Fn 5F9A  - LANtastic - Get Message Processing Flags
 Int 21 Fn 5F9B  - LANtastic - Set Message Processing Flags
 Int 21 Fn 5F9C  - LANtastic V3+ - Pop Up Last Received Message
 Int 21 Fn 5F9D  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Get Redirector Control Bits
 Int 21 Fn 5F9E  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Set Redirector Control Bits
 Int 21 Fn 5FA0  - LANtastic - Get Queue Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5FA1  - LANtastic - Set Queue Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5FA2  - LANtastic - Control Queue
 Int 21 Fn 5FA3  - LANtastic V3+ - Get Printer Status
 Int 21 Fn 5FA4  - LANtastic V3+ - Get Stream Info
 Int 21 Fn 5FA5  - LANtastic V3+ - Set Stream Info
 Int 21 Fn 5FA7  - LANtastic - Create User Audit Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5FA9  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Set Extended Queue Entry
 Int 21 Fn 5FB0  - LANtastic - Get Active User Information
 Int 21 Fn 5FB1  - LANtastic - Get Shared Directory Information
 Int 21 Fn 5FB2  - LANtastic V3+ - Get Username From Account File
 Int 21 Fn 5FB3  - LANtastic V3+ - Translate Path
 Int 21 Fn 5FB4  - LANtastic V3+ - Create Indirect File
 Int 21 Fn 5FB5  - LANtastic V3+ - Get Indirect File Contents
 Int 21 Fn 5FB6  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Set Auto-login Defaults
 Int 21 Fn 5FB7  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Get Auto-login Defaults
 Int 21 Fn 5FC0  - LANtastic - Get Time From Server
 Int 21 Fn 5FC8  - LANtastic V4.0+ - Schedule Server Shutdown
 Int 21 Fn 5FC9  - LANtastic V4.0+ - Cancel Server Shutdown
 Int 21 Fn 5FCA  - LANtastic V4.0+ - Stuff Server Keyboard Buffer
 Int 21 Fn 5FCB  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Terminate User
 Int 21 Fn 5FCC  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Get/set Server Control Bits
 Int 21 Fn 5FCD  - LANtastic V4.1+ - Flush Server Caches
 Int 21 Fn 5FD0  - LANtastic - Get Redirected Printer Timeout
 Int 21 Fn 5FD1  - LANtastic - Set Redirected Printer Timeout
 Int 21 Fn 5FE0  C - LANtastic - Get DOS Service Vector
 Int 21 Fn 5FE1  - LANtastic - Set DOS Service Vector
 Int 21 Fn 5FE2  - LANtastic - Get Message Service Vector
 Int 21 Fn 5FE3  - LANtastic - Set Message Service Vector
 Int 21 Fn 60  - DOS 3.0+ - "truename" - Canonicalize Filename Or Path
 Int 21 Fn 61  - DOS 3+ - Unused
 Int 21 Fn 61  U - OS/2 V1.x Fapi - Os/2 File System Join/subst
 Int 21 Fn 62  - DOS 3+ - Get Current Psp Address
 Int 21 Fn 6300  - DOS 2.25 Only - Get Lead Byte Table Address
 Int 21 Fn 6300  - Far East DOS 3.2+ - Get Double Byte Character Set Lead-byt
 Int 21 Fn 6301  - DOS 2.25, Far East Dos 3.2+ - Set Korean (hangeul) Input M
 Int 21 Fn 6302  - DOS 2.25, Far East Dos 3.2+ - Get Korean (hangeul) Input M
 Int 21 Fn 64  - DOS 3.2+ Internal - Set Device Driver Lookahead Flag
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - Enable Automatic Title Sw
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - Set Session Title
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.0+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Session Title
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Lastdrive
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Size Of Ptda Jft
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Second Sft Flags Word
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Unload Doskrnl Symbols &
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Winos2 Call Gate Addr
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Get Loading Message
 Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Os/2 API Support
 Int 21 Fn 65  - DOS 3.3+ - Get Extended Country Information
 Int 21 Fn 65  - DOS 4+ - Country-dependent Character Capitalization
 Int 21 Fn 6523  U - DOS 4+ Internal - Determine If Character Represents Yes/
 Int 21 Fn 65  U - DOS 4+ Internal - Country-dependent Filename Capitalizatio
 Int 21 Fn 6601  - DOS 3.3+ - Get Global Code Page Table
 Int 21 Fn 6602  - DOS 3.3+ - Set Global Code Page Table
 Int 21 Fn 67  - DOS 3.3+ - Set Handle Count
 Int 21 Fn 68  - DOS 3.3+ - "fflush" - Commit File
 Int 21 Fn 69  U - DOS 4+ Internal - Get/set Disk Serial Number
 Int 21 Fn 69  - Dr-dos 5.0 - Null Function
 Int 21 Fn 6969  - Virus - "rape-747" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 69FF  U - Cubit V4.00 - Get Cubit Int 21 Handler
 Int 21 Fn 69FF  U - Cubit V4.00 - Uninstall
 Int 21 Fn 6A  U - DOS 4+ - Commit File
 Int 21 Fn 6B  U - DOS 4.0 Internal - Ifs Ioctl
 Int 21 Fn 6B  U - DOS 5+ - Null Function
 Int 21 Fn 6C00  - DOS 4+ - Extended Open/create
 Int 21 Fn 6C01  U - OS/2 V2.0 - "dosopen2"
 Int 21 Fn 6D  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Find First Rom Program
 Int 21 Fn 6D  U - OS/2 V1.x Fapi - "dosmkdir2"
 Int 21 Fn 6E  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Find Next Rom Program
 Int 21 Fn 6E  U - OS/2 V1.x Fapi - "dosenumattrib"
 Int 21 Fn 6F  U - OS/2 V1.x Fapi - "dosqmaxeasize" - Get Maximum Size Of Ext
 Int 21 Fn 6F00  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Get Rom Scan Start Address
 Int 21 Fn 6F01  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Set Rom Scan Start Address
 Int 21 Fn 6F02  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Get Exclusion Region List
 Int 21 Fn 6F03  U - DOS 5+ ROM - Set Exclusion Region List
 Int 21 Fn 7070  - PCw Weather Card Interface - Get Data Segment
 Int 21 Fn 7070  - PCw Weather Card Interface - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 76  - Virus - "klaeren"/"hate" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 7700  - Virus - "growing Block" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 7734  U - Scrollit V1.7 - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 7761  - Watch.com V3.2+ - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 7F  - Virus - "squeaker" - Installation Check
 Int 21  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "aexec" - Execute Program In Background
 Int 21 Fn 8080  - PCw Weather Card Interface - Uninstall Pcw.com And Free Me
 Int 21 Fn 81  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "freeze" - Stop A Process
 Int 21 Fn 82  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "resume" - Restart A Process
 Int 21 Fn 83  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "partition" - Get/set Foreground Parti
 Int 21 Fn 83  - Virus - "svc" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 84  - Virus - "svc 5.0" Or "svc 6.0" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 8400  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "creatmem" - Create A Shared Memory
 Int 21 Fn 8401  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "getmem" - Obtain Access To Shared M
 Int 21 Fn 8402  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "releasemem" - Free Shared Memory Ar
 Int 21 Fn 85  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 86  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "setfiletable" - Install New File Hand
 Int 21 Fn 87  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "getpid" - Get Process Identifier
 Int 21 Fn 88  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 89  - European MS-dos 4.0 - Sleep
 Int 21 Fn 89  - Virus - "vriest" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 8A  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "cwait" - Wait For Child To Terminate
 Int 21 Fn 8B  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 8C  - European MS-dos 4.0 - Set Signal Handler
 Int 21 Fn 8D  - European MS-dos 4.0 - Send Signal
 Int 21 Fn 8E00  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "setpri" - Get/set Process Priority
 Int 21 Fn 8F  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 90  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 90  - Virus - "carioca" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 91  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 92  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 93  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "pipe" - Create A New Pipe
 Int 21 Fn 94  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 95  - European MS-dos 4.0 - Hard Error Processing
 Int 21 Fn 96  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 97  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 9753  - Virus - "nina" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn 98  U - European MS-dos 4.0 - ???
 Int 21 Fn 99  u - European MS-dos 4.0 - "pblock" - Block A Process
 Int 21 Fn 9A  u - European MS-dos 4.0 - "prun" - Unblock A Process
 Int 21 Fn A0  - Attachmate Extra - Get 3270 Display State
 Int 21 Fn A1  - Attachmate Extra - Set 3270 Display State
 Int 21 Fn A1D5  - Virus - "789"/"filehider" - Installation Check
 Int 21 Fn A2  - Attachmate Extra - Set Host Window State
 Int 21 Fn A3  - Attachmate Extra - Send Keystrokes To Host Window
 Int 21 Fn A4  - Attachmate Extra - Get Host Window Buffer Address
 Int 21 Fn A5  - Attachmate Extra - Get Host Window Cursor Position

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson