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Int 21 Fn 8A  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "cwait" - Wait For Child To Termina  [D]

   AH = 8Ah
   BL = range (00h command subtree, 01h any child)
   BH = suspend flag
       00h suspend if children exist but none are dead
       01h return if no dead children
   CX = Process ID of head of command subtree

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH = termination type
       00h normal termination
       01h aborted by Control-C
       02h aborted by I/O error
       03h terminate and stay resident
       04h aborted by signal
       05h aborted by program error
       AL = return code from child or aborting signal
       BX = PID of child (0000h if no dead children)
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (no child,interrupted system call)
Desc:  get return code from an asynchronously-executed child program,
     optionally waiting if no return code is available

See Also: AH=4Bh,AH=4Dh,AH=80h,AH=8Dh

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