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Int 21 Fn 65  - DOS 3.3+ - Get Extended Country Information                [D]

   AH = 65h
   AL = info ID
       01h get general internationalization info
       02h get pointer to uppercase table
       04h get pointer to filename uppercase table
       05h get pointer to filename terminator table
       06h get pointer to collating sequence table
       07h (DOS 4+) get pointer to Double-Byte Character Set table
   BX = code page (FFFFh=global code page)
   DX = country ID (FFFFh=current country)
   ES:DI -> country information buffer (see below)
   CX = size of buffer (>= 5)

Return: CF set on error
       AX = error code (see AH=59h)
   CF clear if successful
       CX = size of country information returned
       ES:DI -> country information

Notes: AL=05h appears to return same info for all countries and codepages; it
     has been documented for DOS 5+, but was undocumented in ealier
   NLSFUNC must be installed to get info for countries other than the
   subfunctions 02h and 04h are identical under OS/2

See Also: AH=38h,INT 2F/AX=1401h,INT 2F/AX=1402h,INT 2F/AX=14FEh

Format of country information:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    info ID
---if info ID = 01h---
 01h   WORD    size
 03h   WORD    country ID
 05h   WORD    code page
 07h 34 BYTEs  country-dependent info (see AH=38h)
---if info ID = 02h---
 01h   DWORD   pointer to uppercase table (see below)
---if info ID = 04h---
 01h   DWORD   pointer to filename uppercase table (see below)
---if info ID = 05h---
 01h   DWORD   pointer to filename character table (see below)
---if info ID = 06h---
 01h   DWORD   pointer to collating table (see below)
---if info ID = 07h (DOS 4+)---
 01h   DWORD   pointer to DBCS lead byte table (see below)

Format of uppercase table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    table size
 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh

Format of collating table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    table size
 02h 256 BYTEs values used to sort characters 00h to FFh

Format of filename terminator table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    table size (not counting this word)
 02h   BYTE    ??? (01h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 03h   BYTE    lowest permissible character value for filename
 04h   BYTE    highest permissible character value for filename
 05h   BYTE    ??? (00h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 06h   BYTE    first excluded character in range \ all characters in this
 07h   BYTE    last excluded character in range  / range are illegal
 08h   BYTE    ??? (02h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 09h   BYTE    number of illegal (terminator) characters
 0Ah  N BYTEs  characters which terminate a filename:  ."/\[]:|<>+=;,

Note:  partially documented for DOS 5+, but undocumented for earlier versions

Format of filename uppercase table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    table size
 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh

Format of DBCS lead byte table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length
 02h 2N BYTEs  start/end for N lead byte ranges
   WORD    0000h   (end of table)

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