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Int 21 Fn 64  U - OS/2 V2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - Os/2 API Support        [O]

   AH = 64h
   CX = 636Ch ("cl")
   BX = API ordinal (see below)
   other registers as appropriate for API call
     if ordinal 0025h:
       DS:SI -> STARTDATA structure (see below)

Return: as appropriate for API call
     if ordinal 0025h:
       AX = return code

Values for API ordinal:
 0025h DOS32StartSession
 0082h DosGetCP
 00A7h DosQFSAttach
 00BFh DosEditName
 00CBh DosForceDelete
 0144h Dos32CreateEventSem
 0145h Dos32OpenEvenSem
 0146h Dos32CloseEventSem
 0147h Dos32ResetEventSem
 0148h Dos32PostEventSem
 0149h Dos32WaitEventSem
 014Ah Dos32QueryEventSem
 014Bh Dos32CreateMutexSem
 014Ch Dos32OpenMutexSem
 014Dh Dos32CloseMutexSem
 014Eh Dos32RequestMutexSem
 014Fh Dos32ReleaseMutexSem
 0150h Dos32QueryMutexSem
 0151h Dos32CreateMuxWaitSem
 0152h Dos32OpenMuxWaitSem
 0153h Dos32CloseMuxWaitSem
 0154h Dos32WaitMuxWaitSem
 0155h Dos32AddMuxWaitSem
 0156h Dos32DeleteMuxWaitSem
 0157h Dos32QueryMuxWaitSem

Format of STARTDATA structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    length of structure (must be 0018h,001Eh,0020h,0032h,or 003Ch)
 02h   WORD    relation of new process to caller (00h independent, 01h child)
 04h   WORD    fore/background (00h foreground, 01h background)
 06h   WORD    trace options (00h-02h, 00h = no trace)
 08h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ program title (max 62 chars) or 0000h:0000h
 0Ch   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ program name (max 128 chars) or 0000h:0000h
 10h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ program args (max 144 chars) or 0000h:0000h
 14h   DWORD   "TermQ" (currently reserved, must be 00000000h)
 18h   DWORD   pointer to environment (max 486 bytes) or 0000h:0000h
 1Ch   WORD    inheritance (00h or 01h)
 1Eh   WORD    session type
       00h OS/2 session manager determines type (default)
       01h OS/2 full-screen
       02h OS/2 window
       03h PM
       04h VDM full-screen
       07h VDM window
 20h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ icon filename (max 128 chars) or 0000h:0000h
 24h   DWORD   "PgmHandle" (currently reserved, must be 00000000h)
 28h   WORD    "PgmControl"
 2Ah   WORD    initial column
 2Ch   WORD    initial row
 2Eh   WORD    initial width
 30h   WORD    initial height
 32h   WORD    reserved (0)
 34h   DWORD   "ObjectBuffer" (currently reserved, must be 00000000h)
 38h   DWORD   "ObjectBufferLen" (currently reserved, must be 00000000h)

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