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Int 21 Fn 5F35  u - Named Pipes - Local DOSpeeknmpipe                      [N]

   AX = 5F35h
   BX = handle
   CX = buffer length
   DS:SI -> buffer

Return: CF clear if successful
       CX = bytes read
       SI = bytes left in the pipe
       DX = bytes left in the current message
       DI = pipe status
       0001h disconnected
       0002h listening
       0003h connected
       0004h closing
   CF set if error
       AX = error code

Note:  this function was introduced by LAN Manager but is also supported by
     the Novell DOS Named Pipe Extender, Banyan VINES, OS/2 Virtual DOS
     Machines, and others

See Also: AX=5F38h,AX=5F39h,AX=5F51h

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