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Int 21 Fn 5F3B  u - LAN Manager Enhanced DOS - Nethandlesetinfo            [N]

   AX = 5F3Bh
   BX = handle
   CX = handle_info_1 structure length or sizeof DWORD
   DI = parameter number to set
       0000h all
       0001h number of milliseconds
       0002h number of characters
   DS:DX -> handle_info_1 structure (DI=0000h) (see below)
       or DWORD (DI=0001h or 0002h)
   SI = level of information (0001h)

Return: CF clear if successful
       CX = total bytes available
   CF set if error
       AX = error code

See Also: AX=5F3Ch

Format of handle_info_1 structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   number of milliseconds which workstation collects data before
       it sends the data to the named pipe
 04h   DWORD   number of characters which workstation collects before it
       sends the data to the named pipe

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