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 VisionFunctions    Overview

 OpenMask               Windows, Windows, Windows.....
 AlertBox               different AlertBoxes with Buttons
 VLinie                 Draws vertical line
 HLinie                 Draw horizontal line
 OutLine                Draw frame around Text/Box
 OutFrame               Draw frame around Button or GET
 DelLine                Erase frame around Text/GET
 ColorMe                Color parts of the screen
 ShowStr                Portraits String w/wo attributes
 Describe               Shows indicative text in bottom row
 a_red.....             Read VGA-ColorCodes
 SetDAC                 Set VGA-ColorCodes
 Set_Font               Loads/Activates a font
 ScrSave                Read and pack parts of the screen
 ScrRest                Restores ScreenPart
 Save_Mse               Save MouseArray
 Rest_Mse               Restore MouseArray

 OpenWin From ....      Draw Windows

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson