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   The first cut is the deepest !

   It sometimes costs more time to build a 'touchy' interface
   for the end-users, then to write, what I call the 'real-source'.

   If you remember dBase times on Apple II (with "!" instead of "|")...

   Since MS-WINDOWS everythings changed, but Clipper programmers are usually
   not into WINDOWS at all (some might be using Clip4Win by John Skelton,
   though). SOUND & VISION gives you the opportunity to build a kind of
   graphical-looking-interface, which it is not really. I am using a
   different DOS-Font to achieve this, the results you can see in Demo.prg,
   it's better than nothing, isn't it ?

   Have a look at OpenMask() and some of your dreams may become reality <g>.
   To use Icons, Buttons, Borders and such, you have to load 'SoundVis.016'

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson