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   ALERTBOX (nType, cText, aButtons ) -> nButton

   Draws different kinds of indication boxes with a two row text
   as well as up to 12 'Buttons'. These Buttons can be operated
   by either the mouse, Hotkeys or the cursor
   All Colors can be preset by  SetPref().
   The Window is automatically centered, SetKeys defined in SetPref()
   will be recognized.


   nTyp     Type of Box,
             0 = QuestionBox with a large questionmark '?'
             1 = AlarmBox with a large exclamationmark '!'
             2 = MessageBox without anything

   cText     Text, wheras  ';' is the seperator:

             "Your Computer dies; in 10 seconds"

             This text will be splitted in two rows, separation
             is between 'dies' and 'in'. The text might contain
             up to 18 rows.

   aButtons  is a 1-dimensional Array,
             which contains the Text/Hotkey for the ButtonStructure.

             Example: Butt := {'~Abort', '~Next step','Re~turn'}
             initializes three Buttons, Hotkeys will be displayed in
             different colors (like in the menu)

   RETURN VALUE: nButton
   The chosen Button as INT, 'Abort' in the above example therefore
   would return 1. SetKey() and MouseFunctions are also recognized:

       CloseIcon or ESC     : M_CLOSE  (0)
       MoveIcon               M_MOVE   (254)

       Now that you got the tools, make the best of it....

   nChoice := AlertBox ( 0, 'Am I stupid ?', {'~Yes, '~Nope', '~Sure'} )

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