Volume 6 Synopsis


Volume 6 (Light Orange Cover)

The Evil Wakes: Who should show up but Soun and Genma's old martial arts master - Happosai, the founder of the Anything-Goes school of martial arts. It seems that a long time ago, Soun and Genma were suffering, i.e. "training", under Happosai's tutelage and that the two martial artists had gotten so sick of their abuse that they tricked Happosai and buried him in a mountain cave. However, now Happosai has escaped - but instead of taking revenge on Genma and Soun, he decides to "train" Ranma, the supposed next heir to the Tendo dojo and the Anything-Goes style. Ranma has to find a way not to get into trouble with a martial arts master that turns out to be the biggesst pervert in all of Japan...

He's Something Else: Unfortunately, Happosai has turned out to be a really big pervert, and Ranma is saddled with being "trained" by the old panty thief. It's even worse for Ranma when Happosai finds out about his curse, because Happi's always trying to get Onna-Ranma into a certain piece of female clothing! Ranma has to win a duel against Happosai, or else he's going to find himself wearing a bra to school the next day!

Bathhouse Battle: Happosai's been nothing but a pain in the behind for Ranma ever since he's shown up, and this instance is no exception. Happosai decides to "train" Ranma by trying to get him/her to stop him from peeking at the girls' side at the public baths. Unfortunately Ranma turns out to be the pervert in the girls' eyes, and especially in Akane's, who just happens to have shown up with Nabiki because of the Tendos' broken bathtub. It looks like the only way Ranma's going to be able to combat Happosai and his dreaded "Bathhouse Fu" is to turn into a girl and fight him on the girls' side. All Ranma has to do is stay away from the hot water...

Moonlight Serenade: Ranma's got to stop Happosai from dressing up like P-chan and going to bed with Akane, after Happi finds out that the little black pig gets to sleep in Akane's bed every night. Little do both of them know that the real P-chan's (A.K.A. Ryoga) not too happy about being replaced, and despite Ranma's efforts, he and Ryoga have to team up in order to take on the old martial artist and stop him from excercising his perverted tendancies on the object of both their love and affection...

The Wrath of Happosai: A rash of panty thefts have hit the Nerima neighborhood, and Ranma knows exactly who's the culprit. When Ranma cleans out Happosai's new collection of "silky darlings", he actually gets the martial arts master mad, and as Ranma's going to find out, the master's wrath is worse than death at times! Ordering outrageous amounts of takeout food and sending panty "ransom" notes to all the girls (all in Ranma's name) is just the beginning of Hapoosai's ire. Ranma, however, has got a plan to beat the perverted old man in his upcoming fight with him...

The Scent of a Woman: Ranma's plan goes into action as Akane sews on a special patch onto Happosai's back. It seems that this patch produces a scent which is like a kind of tear gas to women, and when Happosai goes on his usual outings to rub up against pretty girls, he is puzzled, worried, and then angry at the fact that he seems to make the girls run away before he can even touch them. Ranma takes advantage of the situation and attacks Happosai, revealing his plan to him in the process, and an angry Happosai prepares to teach Ranma a lesson - until Happi appears to suffer from a case of "women withdrawal" and is too weak to even stand! Soun and Genma try to jump at the opportunity my trying to get rid of him, but a sympathetic Ranma rescues him and takes pity on the old man. This, however, proves to be Ranma's undoing, as a short cold rain and a glomping later, happosai has the advantage and Onna-Ranma is reeling back from her own trickery, her eyes tearing over because of the "woman repellent" on Happi's back...

Fathers Know Best: Happosai attacks the weakened Onna-Ranma, and she desperately tries to find a way to beat him while attempting to ward off the "woman repellant" smell. Finally, witht he help of Akane, Ranma is able to get Happosai and lock him up in a tea kettle, and Soun and Genma show up to finish the job. However, Happosai's battle aura attack proves too much for almost everyone, and against all odds, Ranma has to beat him...until Genma-panda steps in to try and equal the mighty aura of Happosai...for a few seconds, anyway...

Instant Spring: Soun and Genma think up of a scheme to get Ranma and Akane to work together - make up a character called the "Dojo Destroyer", who'll try to defeat the dojo's fighters and take their sign. Realizing the threat, Ranma and Akane will have to work together, right? It's a perfect plan until a real Dojo Destroyer shows up and challenges the Tendo dojo for the sign! Meanwhile, Shampoo presents a possible cure to Ranma - "Instant Nannichuan", a powder which turns any tub of water into a "Spring of Drowned Man". It's the perfect cure for Ranma, at last! All Ranma has to do is go on a date with Shampoo and the powder is his. Unfortunately for Akane and Ranma, the day of the date just happens to be the day of the fight with the Dojo Destroyer! Now Akane must face the Destroyer alone, but even she may be no match for someone such as this...

No Need for Ranma: The day of the battle with the Dojo Destroyer is at hand, and Akane stands alone against him while Ranma's off on his date with Shampoo to get the "Instant Nannichuan". All Ranma has to do is end the date and he can get to Akane with the powder tucked away for later! But Shampoo will only end the date after receiving a "goodbye kiss" from her future husband! Ranma has to figure out a way to get out of this mess and help Akane (not to mention get the powder) before Akane is defeated by the deadly Dojo Destroyer...

The Destroyer Strikes: Akane's got her hands full with the Dojo destroyer, and with her injured hand, she doesn't stand a chance of beating the huge sign-wielder. Ranma desperately tries to trick Shampoo into giving him the powder, and ends up having to trick her into giving him her bike so he can make it back to the dojo on time (genma ends up giving Ranma a "speed boost" by accidentally turning him into a girl and Shampoo into a cat, whcih makes Onna-Ranma pedal a _lot_ faster). Ranma ends up making it back in time to stop a fatal blow struck to Akane, and now he has to take on the Dojo Destroyer himself - all he has to do is not hit any of the Instant Nannichuan powder packets shampoo's placed on the Dojo Destroyer and he'll do just fine...

Just One More Kiss: Onna-Ranma engages the Dojo Destroyer, but ends up hitting all the packets, at the same time, which were glued to all of the Dojo Destroyer's vital spots by Shampoo - vital spots that she was sure Ranma would instinctively go for! Now Ranma's at a loss, but Shampoo has one more - and she lies, telling everyone that she wants "one more kiss" from Rnama even though he never kissed her. Akane and Ranma end up fighting over the last packet and the supposed kiss, and Ranma angrily tears it up to show he is telling the truth. Akane apologizes at first to the supposedly hurt Ranma, but then ends up hitting him after a last packet is found in the Dojo Destroyer's clutches. Ranma and Genam eagerly try out the powder, at at fist it looks like it's working...until a cold rain just happens to fall the two supposedly cured martial artists...
